Question about bi-wired speakers

Is there much loss using jumpers on bi-wired speakers as opposed actually bi-wiring them?
The jumpers should be used as a temporary fix or at least until you can try bi-wiring.
For whatever the reason.( this can be argued to death) My speakers sound better bi-wired.
Check to see what your speaker manufacturer recommends. I think a lot of it depends on the specific speaker. I know in my case, on both my B&W 805’s and Totem Mani 2’s bi-wiring was an improvement.
We should have known that Mr. Reynolds would chime in with such a delightful insight such as this. Bravo, Bob!!!

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On my Amphion Argons and Totem Arros, I've tried both ways and prefer bi-wired to jumpered. However, I haven't had particularly high-quality jumpers to use for comparison.

Amphion recommended *not* bi-wiring, however.

In the end, as mentioned, speakers will probably respond differently in different configurations, and the end result/preference is probably too subjective to make a blanket statement, so the best thing to do would be try different configurations. The worst case is you'll cycle through a couple of speaker cables or jumpers and sell off the ones you decide not to keep.
Some speakers seem to benefit more than others so it's hard to say in your particular situation. Try some cheap experiments first. Run your single cable to the other set of binding posts and see if there's any difference. If you're using the stock brass or steel jumpers, try using a couple inches of the best copper you have laying around. Good luck.
With the Paradigm Studio 100 V 3 speakers I used to own, bi-wiring did make a significant audible difference. The soundstage opened up more.