Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
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I have all yellow QSA fuses.  I would love to hear from anyone who has purchased a QSA red.  Is it worth it?  What improvements did you hear?  Were you able to distinguish a difference in placing it in only one component?  Which component?  If I upgrade I am thinking the Lampi Pacific. 
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Would love to hear from MillerCarbon in relation to the Yellows.

Thanks. Starting with factory fuses a few years ago I went first to Synergistic Blue and then Orange. These were in my Melody integrated, now Raven Blackhawk. Also used in the Herron phono stage. Haven't tried fuses in any of my subwoofer amps or CDP.    

QSA Light Blue was more clean and clear than Orange. Was quite surprised how much better. This is what I would call the signature characteristic of QSA, this clarity of detail. Individual instrumental threads stand out with lots of air around them.    

Even more so with Violet. This QSA Violet is so good that after hearing what Frank had to say about SR Purple vs QSA Yellow I can't see any point in comparing. Violet will trounce. As it should, seeing what it cost and all. I would sure hope so.   

The contest is between SR Purple and QSA Yellow, as they are real close in price. Unfortunately I haven't had time to do a direct comparison like Frank has. My Yellow only went in a couple days ago. Last night we were without power. WA, like CA, is run by boobs who don't want anyone to have power and so guess what? A lot of us don't! You will have nothing, and be happy. Right.   

Where was I? Oh yeah, Yellow. Mine went in the Herron. That thing has so many tweaks and mods I can hardly get at the fuse holder any more. So many tweaks, even my tweaks have tweaks! This is when I remember oh yeah, I painted the SR Orange with Krissy magic, and coated the ends with TC. Krissy magic is $60k/gal Rustoleum, dang I forgot about that, not exactly a fair fight. Oh well.  

You know its good in my system when it sounds good right off the bat, don't even need to warm up to hear it. Yellow was like that. First track sounded better than the last track the night before, when everything was nice and warm. I listened to Yellow a couple hours and it just kept getting better and better. Of course I was paying special attention to the midrange since that was Franks problem area but never did hear anything even slightly concerning there.   

First thing that hit me, aside from that trademark clarity, is a huge improvement in the bass. Lots of bass notes I had thought had real good articulation now had a simply astounding amount of tone, not just pitch definition but real character, more like I would associate with guitar or violin than bass. Really, really nice bass! Top end extension is excellent, and I just can't find anything to complain about in between.  

Was planning on running Purple head to head but just don't know that I will bother now. My sense of it from what Frank said (and experience with other SR) is their Purple will be just a tad smoother/warmer and the Yellow just a tad more pristine.  

I just don't see how you can go wrong with any of these. Everything from SR Blue all the way up to QSA Violet, they are all so good it is really hard to believe all this is coming from 1" of fuse. But it is.   

One last thing, if you buy Purple it is their top fuse. You can return no questions but there is nowhere higher until they come out with their next one. QSA has the same no-questions guarantee, but Mike also gives you 90 days to trade up with full credit. Which you might well want to do. I did.