Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Showing 5 responses by mglik

Pleased the QSA thread is open up again.
Sure wish people with experience with the fuses and stones would contribute more. Being so incredibly impressed with the light blue fuses, I ordered yellow fuses and red stones.
Curious about the stones? Going to try placing them on the power supply of my preamp.
Curious about Total Contact or 1260 Enhancer?
Curious about the Bybee V2?
I discussed the fuse issue with a friend who is a manufacturer and audiophile and super knowledgeable.
He simply says that you hear a difference with the QSA fuses because they increase the voltage flow. Seems logical that a stock fuse creates a kind of bottleneck. The colored fuses open it up.
However, he also says to run away fast if someone tries to sell you a $2400 fuse.
Have ordered some 1260. Think I will apply it one connection at a time starting with my yellow fuses coming.
Anyone have experience applying it to a system??
Just replaced light blue fuses in my mono blocks with yellow.
Wow! The improvement in SQ was obvious from the first notes.
The edges of notes became so much more sharp. The performances now stand out in a new and more beautiful way.
There is no question that the yellow QSA fuses are a bargain.
HOWEVER, the value of the red stones is highly questionable.
Trying them on my preamp power supply and power conditioner produced no change. Easy to hear and understand the value of the yellow fuses. They open up a bottleneck and, I think, increases voltage. But stones?? I went with reputation.
But think I will return the stones. Anyone have any reason what they work?
QSA fuses are a sure improvement. But I question the stones. At least only one pair of red on my power conditioner, preamp power supply, and amp transformers. At least on my system... nothing.