Qobuz vs. Tidal

Greetings to all,

I'm sure this has been asked before. Which do you prefer and why? Qobuz customer service is worse than terrible. Is Tidal CS any better? 

What about selection? 

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by mclinnguy

I've tried to get help from Qoboz and can't get a response. Many users of Qobuz have indicated their CS leaves a lot to be desired. 

Qobuz needs no customer service. 

Given the choice between Qobuz charging all customers another $2 a month to hire 4 people for customer service for perhaps 1% of the customers who find a reason to contact them, I prefer keeping it the way it is. I have never had a need to contact them for anything.

I was with Tidal for 6 years before Qobuz entered Canada and never had a reason to contact them either.