Qobuz acount activation error BlueSound Node

Has anyone had any issues activating Qobuz in Node?

The error message is "Authorization failed. Invalid username/email and password combination"


Update: I can't log into the iOS app either so this is not a Node issue


No Not on BliuOS or 5 others.

Sounds like a typical login problem. Get a new password.

A remote chance is Qobuz put up a broken update for the login page. Email them.

Thanx for the heads up, I won’t log out.

As an example couldn’t log into my bank for 3 days. Now it’s a whole new website.

They probably fixed it AFTER switching to it. The customer service IT was clueless.

I was browsing Qobuz today and it stopped working. I suspected them but no, it was ComCrap as usual.


@fuzztone thank you for the reply. Being persistent, I tried the Qobuz app again and it worked, and it took another hour for BlueOS to allow the login. All good now.

Definitely sounds sounds like a Qobuz issue, possible due to a delay in the propagation of new creds across multiple servers.