Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?

Showing 3 responses by twoleftears

@merlin66  Thanks for your first post on this site.

I overlooked this thread when I created a similar thread about the Puritan 156, which I had found transformative.  For further opinions, I suggest you consult the Puritan 136 thread over on Audio Circle.

It's regrettable if you had a bad experience with the US distributor.  I know of one other member on Audiogon who very recently had good and very speedy service from Pro Audio.

When I installed the 156 in the system (including monoblocks plugged into it) I immediately noticed an improvement, something that I had not experienced with any other unit.  The one that I never tried but would have liked to, is the Inakustik.