Puritan Audio 156 or 136 vs PIAudio UberBuss

I’ve read reviews of these 3 power conditioners as well as forum comments about them on Audiogon, Audio Circle and What’s Best Forum. If anyone has any firsthand experience comparing either of the Puritans to the PI Audio I’d appreciate your comparative comments.
@facten  Thank you. I did the same and PM'ed BRM. I put in an order for the psm 156. Due to my location in Asia, I paid retail minus VAT shipped. I'll report in a couple of weeks.

I had the same question and messaged BRM on Audiocircle, his response to me was simply that he did not find the Uber to be anywhere near close to the quiet of the Puritan, and not very effective.


I have no experience with the Uberbuss but BRM over on AC does.

@wig A bit late to this thread, but I am in the process of making a decision on the psm156 vs Uberbuss. I wondered if you could give a bit more details on both, and the reasons for moving on from UberBuss to pas156. I have been reading threads on Audiocircle, but I am left with the same questions. I would appreciate some more elaboration.

Glad to hear you like the Puritan 156. We are using it to demo the Cube Nenuphar’s and Nenuphar Mini’s powered by the Bakoon 13R integrated, with great results here in the U.K. Best filter we have come across at any price imo.
@ grannyring

Yes, better clarity, tighter image focus and tighter bass. Notable improvements on the Inakustik 3500P Conditioner which I had previously before the Puritan.

Wig, I am building a helix power cord for the Puritan 156.  Did you find it better than the stock cord?

BRM over on ACircle also had an Uberbuss and now has a PSM 156 and so do I.

Wig 👍