PS Audio vs Audioquest

Any suggestions on Audioquest vs PS Audio power cables?
The only advantage I can atest to, is that PS has a removable ground pin. I have had AudioQuest PC cables but is has been years. I currently have mostly Cardas Gr and a couple of PS Audio's older Plus and Prelude. They seem to do what I need them to. AudioQuest does have a lot of information available via their website. I think they offer good products and if you read all they offer you may find yourself convinced to try them. Check with Audio Advisor they sell both and my let you do in home trial if you order both and send back only one.
Not sure how it’s sound compare with the old ones, but I really like the latest PS Audio P/C’s look. The changes on the connectors make’em look more elegant now. Have you seen?. I have the older PS Audio Statement 8awg and I expect it’d sound rich and heavy but actually it sounds much lighter than its look. The Statement is extremely stiff, yet it produces a simple and light (airy) sound. Not in a warm and sweet dept.

A lot of local folks have AQ, but still, for some reason I feel that AQ brand is a step up from the big boom of "The Monster Cables". Hope I’m wrong. Yet, I don't own any of the AQ.

Keep us posted.
My suggestion - neither. Contact The Cable Company and ask them to provide some suggestions for cables within your budget and that would compliment your gear.