PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?
I had been waiting for weeks for these ultimate outlets to do some magic to my amps (Bryston 7b-st) like the 300 had done for my SA-1 and Tact Rsc 2.o. I had similar good experience with the ultimate power cord which was purchased to go with the 300 but I found the most emprovemnt with it attached to my SA-1. Now enter the Untimate outlets. I bought one for each of the amps. I set my system to mono and did double blind testing on each speaker. the outlet did have a significant effect on the sound in my system. all negative. it was likd i had put a blanket over the speaker it was hooked into. I tried one on one speaker; then the next (not knowing which one was connected until the music played). I couldnt stand it. after 2 days of burn in i boxd them up. they were that bad in my system. hopefully this was an abaration system specific or an early defective run. YMMV. I would sure like to know what they tested these on and whether the results were mixed. p.s. Audio is a great company. I sure hate to see them make a product which is not only mediocre, but substantially degrades the sound.
Sorry, but feeling obligated, to report this news.
The outlets definitely do not work on the amps. A/B'd them with a friend who is not an audiophile. Immediately said they sound harsher. He was right. Harsh and they shrink soundstage. A little cleaner sound.
craig, czech out my thread in tech-talk titled "pwr conditioner - vans evers unlimiter" for some more info...
Hi Dugg; I looked in on the VansEvers site, and yeah the Unlimiter looks good, but the PS Audio Ultimate outlet also claims to not limit power draw or affect sound quality. Steve McCormack has recommended that I plug my amp directly to wall, and soundwise that works best, but like you, I'd like some spike/surge protection. A Tice Elite 4 "killed" sound quality, but it's limited to 1800 watts. I really was hoping this PS Audio would work well w/ high current amps, but as Estmad reports here, it doesn't look good. Craig.
i currently run my amps straight-in to the wall outlets - it gives the best sound - i don't tink i could afford the two ps-audio p1200's i'd prolly need to power-condition my amps w/o sucking the life outta them! ;~)

but, i'm nervous running 'em unprotected - has anyone had any experience w/the vans evers *unlimiter*? this is a four-outlet conditioner specifically for amps, said specifically *not* to limit the current awailable to yer amps, regardless of their draw. at a retail price of $675, it sounds like it mite almost be worthwhile...

thanks, doug s.

I think you guys may be right about the amp. But I've plugged one outlet into my P600 and plugged the digital components into it. Big improvement. Then plugged second outlet before the P600--again, the improvement here is nothing to sneeze at. Strips away digital grunge, bigger sound, tighter bass, extended treble. A winner, I think. On the amp, I thought the outlets shut it down and were a negative--could be a result of flimsy power cords that the outlet is supplied with or they need to breakin. Or the outlets are just a bad idea for amps--I originally bought the outlets for the amp, but will most likely keep them for the front-end. Not what I expected.
If all you are looking for is a good quality outlet that will grip your plugs tight, get a Hubbel. Jenna Labs makes a cryo-frozen version if you want your Hubbel to have some fancy audiophile treatments.

Save the surge protection for something better than a fuse in the wall. Sounds like a gimmicky design to me. I've never had good sound from these kinds of devices.

Has anyone tried Brick Wall surge protection devices? They are supposed to be more invisible to the ear.
Thanks Estmad, my amp definately dims the lights at power up so this will be a problem. I knew it sounded too good to be true.
Sorry guys, it's a thumbs down. The UO is a UFO--U Flunked Out. I was trying to give it a fair trial by burning it in for 2 days now. The last straw was when just the turn-on impulse from one amp blew the damn thing's fuse. (If your amp dims the lights when you turn it on, the Ultimate Outlet isn't gonna like it! It's a ballun, after all--an inductor--a quite pricey one at that ($300). Current can't change instantaneously through an inductor, no matter what PS Audio says in the marketing literature. It still darkened the audio pallette, subtracted delicate details and harmonics, reduced air, and flattened the soundstage depth. It did bump up the bass, but it was a bloated, boomy kind that some might enjoy. IMO, the UO is just unmusical. It's a subtractive device. It seems (at least in my system) to rob the life from the music; of course your mileage may vary.
But hey, there's a 30-day return (you'll be out some heavy duty return postage though) offer, so give it a shot in your system. Remember to position it at least 3 feet away from any other component--the farther, the better (it spews RFI/EMI). Also, the thing's extremely sensitive to the input AC cord used--the flimsy stock cord sounds bright compared to a good premium cord, like Synergistic Research or Silver Audio Power Burst, which sound dark and flat powering the UO. It's probably designed to only sound good with a PS Audio Lab Cable ($$$), natch.
For $300, go buy your kid a good bicycle. You'll still have about a hundred bucks left over. And the money will go to much better use. -Ed
Estmad, Thanks for your continued input, will keep an eye out for your update. Good to hear from you too No money.
Spoke to PS Audio, they advise 100 hrs burn-in(!). But I have their Lab cable--which uses the same wiring--on my P-300, and it only took 6-8 hours to sound "right." I'm dubious. Will let it burn over weekend and will report. Stay tuned...
I hope Estmad's experience is one of those situations where break in should be 24 hours, but is more like 150 hours, otherwise it is a big let down, considering the description at PS Audio's website. Estmad, let us know if things get any better. I sure hope they do.
I've got one on order, I'll let you know what I think when it comes in. Hope it's not the same reaction as Estmad.....
I just got one. It's going back. Dark, dark, dark with my VTL-225's. It muddies up the sound, sucks out all harmonics, 12-hour break-in didn't help. Better pc didn't matter.
The P300 Power Plant is a definite improvement, the Ultimate Outlet isn't, especially for the price, and the fact that you need to use a premium cord instead of the wimpy AC pc that comes with it. Can't recommend it. Monster HTS2000 power conditioner strip is much better, only $130. Your system may yield a different result, but I'd tell tubed amp owners to forget it. I'm pretty disappointed, after waiting a month or so for it.
BTW, the Outlet's choke radiates a significant amount of EMI, which can't be good for your system. I heard a spitty edge on highs that sounds like an EMI artifact. Locate it far, far, away from components and ic's, unshielded pc's.
DO NOT sit it on top of PS-300.
Bmpnyc, good to hear from you, we seem to have the same interest in a lot of gear! I am going to go ahead and order one of these and take my chances since there is a 30 day money back policy. Unfortunately I think they are back ordered untill mid March. Have a good weekend
Hi Nomoney, I asked the same question 3 days ago and no one answered. I was just about to put in a Hubble outlet, but will wait and see if any of our members try it before going through with the outlet change. If that isn't an endorsement of the high quality of Audigon's posters, what is? The PS Audio power plants are excellent, so I hope their outlets are as equally as good. I have a few other things happening this month, and won't have time to try one.If no one else does, I will in a few weeks and post results here.