PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?

Showing 6 responses by garfish

Hi Dugg; I looked in on the VansEvers site, and yeah the Unlimiter looks good, but the PS Audio Ultimate outlet also claims to not limit power draw or affect sound quality. Steve McCormack has recommended that I plug my amp directly to wall, and soundwise that works best, but like you, I'd like some spike/surge protection. A Tice Elite 4 "killed" sound quality, but it's limited to 1800 watts. I really was hoping this PS Audio would work well w/ high current amps, but as Estmad reports here, it doesn't look good. Craig.
Stevemj; your above assertion has not been my experience, but would you please tell us what components, including various wires, that are not clouded by nasty (and expensive) psychological overtones? This information could save us a great deal of money. It would be really be helpful if you would provide brand names of "the good stuff" as well as "the bad stuff". Thankyou. Craig
Good post Dhougg. Please put me in your 2nd camp. Stevemj; I don't know how many ICs, power cords, and spkr. cables I've rejected for sonic reasons-- and many were high bucks name brand products-- just the kind of "stuff" that you say I should like (and buy). How do you explain that? BTW, my "wires" are name brand mid to higher priced, and I also rejected some lower price stuff. Do you think that you're the only person who knows about the "placebo effect"? Are you just trying to educate us gullible audiophiles? Most audiophiles can easily tell the difference between "snake oil" and the "real deal" just by listening, can't you?. I really don't see that you're accomplishing anything here with your repetitious maunderings except spilling a lot of pixels. Cheers. Craig.
Steve; it seems you actually took my post on 3/12 seriously. I really meant it sort of facetiously. OTOH if you really do have info on BRAND NAMES of various equipment that is some kind of scam, I'm sure we'd all like to hear about it. Good post Dugg, hope ewe'll keep us posted on the van evers unit. Craig
Respectfully Drubin; go back and read Stevemj's thread on "Speaker Wire is it Science or Psychology?", posted 3/7/01. IMO it is pretty inflammatory right from the start. That's not the thread (and posts) of a person with an open mind, rather it is strongly espousing scientific dogma. He (Steve) asks us to explain our positions re selection of "wires" without using any technical terminology??? I agree with much of yours, Duggs, and Jerie's posts above. I want to have feet planted squarely in both the objective and subjective camps regarding "wires and music". Cheers. Craig.