PS Audio Ultimate outlet

Have thought about one to protect amp from surges but do not want to affect the sound. Anybody have one?

Showing 4 responses by gladstone

I think you guys may be right about the amp. But I've plugged one outlet into my P600 and plugged the digital components into it. Big improvement. Then plugged second outlet before the P600--again, the improvement here is nothing to sneeze at. Strips away digital grunge, bigger sound, tighter bass, extended treble. A winner, I think. On the amp, I thought the outlets shut it down and were a negative--could be a result of flimsy power cords that the outlet is supplied with or they need to breakin. Or the outlets are just a bad idea for amps--I originally bought the outlets for the amp, but will most likely keep them for the front-end. Not what I expected.
The outlets definitely do not work on the amps. A/B'd them with a friend who is not an audiophile. Immediately said they sound harsher. He was right. Harsh and they shrink soundstage. A little cleaner sound.
I disagree with you. PS Audio is not a great company; it's a fantastic one. But on the outlets for the amps something has gone terribly wrong; I wonder if it's the flimsy power cords, but I doubt that that alone can account for the terrible effects they have on the sound when placed on amps.
Yes, I should note that I've been sent a revised outlet in which the fuse is no longer in series. This is said to drastically improve performance. I'm going to run it in and will report in a few days.