Protecting Equipment from Children

My grandchildren are visiting this weekend.  They love buttons, knobs and remote controls.  Is there a good way to protect my equipment from destructive little hands?


Glad mine are grown…. Payback is a bitch though …. When I was 5 I drew on my Dad’s beloved KLH Model 12 with Crayon.  Fast forward 30 years …. One of my kids tried playing a record and snapped the cantilever off,  then when they were a little older my daughter walked by my gear and cranked the volume and blew out a pair of midrange….  I still love ‘em, they turned out to be awesome young adults 

I've put my speakers away since my grandson started crawling, May 2021.

As much as I miss my system, it's just not worth the risk.

Great topic!!! Six grandkids, only one is a boy all under the age of 6…..the boy is the trouble! I literally unhook the speakers and put them away lol! Good luck

Depends on the kids.  If they are open to listen and understand, then explain to them this is your "toy" and it's very easy to break and cost lots of $ to fix so please don't touch.  Or, you can have them "safely" touch buttons and stuff "under your close supervision" until the mystique/curiosity wears off and they are no longer interested.  Maybe tell them not to touch unless you are around and they ask permission with close supervision.   

I bought each grandchild his own integrated amp, turntable, and speakers!

it worked - they love music

one plays trumpet and the other cello!