Primaluna tube rolling 12AU7 Notes

Hi all, I know a lot of people have Primaluna equipment and play around with tubes. I’ve bought a bunch of 12AU7s from Brent Jesse (highly recommended by the way) and thought my notes on the various ones might be interesting or useful to some of you. These notes apply to just the preamp. I have the EVO400 preamp. Tests were changing out just the inboard 4 (out of 6 total) tubes. Amps were Evo300 monoblocks powering Focal Kanta 3 speakers, mostly Cardas wiring throughout.

GE standard tubes (about $30/pr on Brent’s website when on sale). As he says, “good all arounders” which I agree with. Highs are not as airy as other tubes and bass a but less full. Midrange is good. For the money, especially compared to new tubes, I think they are a tremendous deal. I could gladly live with them, but nonetheless they’re at the bottom of the pile here.

RCA cleartops. These are very interesting. They had the most prominent highs of any of the tubes, and some of the best bass. If I had mild/tame speakers and wanted to liven up the system, I would get these. They’re a bit too much with the Focals. They’re not as refined overall as the Europeans but night and day in terms of vividness compared to the GEs. Nice tubes.

Telefunken ribbed plates. Good airy highs, nice midrange. Very refined overall - comparing these to the GE and RCA is like comparing an aged Bordeaux to a new California merlot (what, you say you like scotch? The RCA are a 10 yr old Isla, the GE a Johnnie Walker red, the Telefunken a 18 yr old Macallan). Here we start getting into a more complete, holistic piece of overall sound, with the most realistic presentation in terms of soundstage and detail. This is subtle, but there. The bass is not as full as the RCA or Amperex.

British…unfair perhaps, but I only have two Mullard long plates and two Brimar here compared together. Very nice, midrange-centric. Refined almost as much as the Telefunken but not as much clarity, probably because the highs are not as prominent. Soundstage excellent like the Telefunken. Less bass than the RCA but more than the Telefunken. The midrange can sound very pretty.

Amperex - same factory (Heerlen) as bugle boy according to Brent but off labels. what sticks out here is an all around good tube - midrange close to Brit’s, highs close to Telefunken, bass better than those two. Not quite as complete/refined as the Telefunken in soundstage and overall presentation but close. These are probably my all around favorites.

For those interested in tube rolling, I would recommend it if you have a decently revealing system. That said, the tubes that come with the equipment are good. I like the EL34s in the amps very much, in fact of 5 or so other variants I’ve tried they’re at the top 1 or 2, stock. The PL 12AU7s are ok, not great. I think this is where a good opportunity exists for tube rolling, especially in the preamp. I’ve tried rolling the 12AU7s in the amps and there is some benefit, but perhaps not as big.  It can affect the overall palate of the system though, so I’m not discounting it. That is, if a tube has an off flavor to it, it permeates the whole system, so it’s good to get one you enjoy.  I’ve had good luck with Radiotechnique and GE military both from Upscale for the amps.  



Thank you for an excellent report on your findings, I too am one who prefers Amperex for my signal tubes (both 12AU7 and 6DJ8). I was lucky enough to stock up about a decade ago, before tubes skyrocketed in price......I certainly could not afford to buy those tubes at current prices......if I could even find them in stock.

I have a bunch of rare tubes, and I use a handful......but I keep most of them in their original boxes. I'll be selling a bunch soon, to buy a nice 300B amp.

I don’t have a PL preamp, only their power amp, the HP dialogue premium, which was pre EVO series. The HP has six 12AU7s plus eight EL34s.  Keeping on topic of the 12AU7s, I have discussed rolling options with Kevin at Upscale, and thus purchased the tubes from him.

His experience, which I confirmed and am in full agreement, is that rolling the middle two tubes are the only two that really make any difference, and boy what a difference they make.

I have two favorites that I switch back and forth between every few months depending on my mood. I don’t know what their current price is, but I paid around $220 per pair about 3-4 years ago.  (When you have a cars worth of money in your system, this is a pretty cheap price to pay for an upgrade)

The first is Mullard NOS- very warm, seductive tube, with big, deep soundstage. Very intimate sound.

The second is the French Cifte-  more detailed. More open on the high end. Soundstage is taller and more forward.

By the way, I am driving Maggies- so I tend to not listen to the low end, and thus have no comments on their bass. But I live for soundstage, warmth and detail.

I have matched pairs of most all of the 12AU7s discussed here, and right now I prefer the new production Apos RAY 12AU7s which come with a warranty and a return period...

RCA Long Black Plate 12au7, RCA Clear Tops, and Brimar CV4003 are my favorites. I use Telefunken, Tungsram & Mazda in the 12ax7 slots - play them in a linestage & DAC and have found MY perfect combinations. 

I just switched from equipment using the 6dj7 line of tubes and Amperex 6922’s are my all time favorites, but I just switched to a preamp that uses 12au7’s. It came with PSVANE, Art series in it and they pretty good. I have since bought from Brent Jesse, some new issue Tung-Sols, some RCA’s (from the 50’s) and some new issue Gold Lions. I gave 100 hours to each set and then listened to the same five songs, twice with each set of tubes. On my system, the Tung-Sol’s sounded great and the RCA’s did have a cleaner and brighter presentation. The Gold Lion’s came in third, but only by a smidgen.
I hope to be getting an in home demo of some Sonus Farber speakers and I’m sure they will require another listening session or three. I’m guessing the RCA’s will be the winner.