Price to list ad

I'm listing an ad for $1999 and A-gon fee is $39.99!! Is that right? If it is, wow what a price increase.

Showing 5 responses by jmcgrogan2

$1,999 X 2% = $39.98, plus the $4 you paid to list the ad = $43.98.
Or $50 if you paid upfront for the $1,500 - $3,499 price range.

Yes, it is pretty pricey to advertise here anymore.
You might look for other alternatives, I have.
It's all a matter of perspective. I've never posted a for sale ad on Ebay, I guess because of the pricing. I post fewer here now too, because of the pricing.
2% may not sound like much, but add the 3% PayPal fee, and shipping, and things start to add up quickly.

On the bright side, because of all these higher costs of doing "business" these days, I do a whole lot less buying and selling compared to a decade ago. All the associated fees have helped me curtail my spending.
So I guess it's better in the long run. ;^)
@trelja , Joe, you are moving to Vancouver?????
Good luck! I hope that all is well!

I also have had good success with US Audiomart. I have had some success with Audio Asylum, but very little. AA usually has to be less expensive items (<$1,000) for any interest.

I also know that Audio Circle and What's Best Forum allow for ads on their sites. I have placed my first ad on WBF about a week ago, with no interest yet.

If you can afford to be patient, the free sites work well.
However, if you HAVE to sell something fast, Audiogon is still the heaviest traffic spot.
Of course that speed comes at a price.

@jond , it was $2 an ad when I joined in 2000, then swelled up to $4 an ad a few years later. It jumped up to 2% roughly 5 years ago?
$4 to 2% was a HUGE jump! Especially when you are selling $5K+ components.
I probably sell about 75% of my gear on US Audiomart now.
That's it, keep telling Audiogon what a bargain they are, watch that 2% increase. 

I do agree, If I need to dump gear FAST, Audiogon is the choice.
Fortunately, I'm not usually that desperate.

As for worldwide exposure, that may work for cables and cords, but really, how many are willing to ship speakers, amps, turntables, CDP's overseas? 

I've had buyers from Europe through US Audiomart, and I have bought cables through UK And Canuck AUdiomart.

@trelja , that sounds GREAT Joe!
I can relate to the getting up early day after day after day grind, yes, that does get old very quickly.
You are very fortunate to be able to get out of that rat race at such a young age. I'm envious!

And yes, I DO believe  that there are areas MUCH cleaner than Philadelphia!! Hahaha! I've seen them!
We are kind of trapped here due to our roots though. With grandchildren here now, I don't think my wife would ever consider moving!!
If I could, I've always loved the San Diego area, though a bit pricey, it's probably worth it!

Best wishes again, I'm sure that you will have a great time out there!