Preamp suggestion for Quicksilver M120 amps

looking for a good pre to pair it with Quicksilver M120 mono amps  (KT150).
Appreciate your suggestions!
Update: heard back from a few friends with the QS Linestage preamp and a few members here pairing QS preamps with QS Mono amps.
ALL much prefer the sound after installing quality vintage or better boutique 12AT7s in the preamps. ALL required 80+ hrs burn-in on pre, caps, tubes to settle in. Better quality RCA interconnects helped show what the better Input-signal tubes can offer in the QS preamp.

Same results when applied to my other-brand 6SN7 based tube preamp to really bring out the potential of the QS Mono tube amps. 

1) Are your preamplifier and amplifier plugged into the same plug/circuit? If not, try plugging both into the same circuit too.

2) Does it change removing and replacing all small tubes back to originals?

3) Disconnect the RCA cables between amp/preamp and see if it still occurs. A buddy had same issues with a different pair of amps. His new/vintage replacement tubes were bad, but not the entire issue. Turned out to be his preamp causing the hum, had to send it back. He confirmed this trying different preamps

4) Can you plug the amp(s) into a completely different location somewhere else (away from your neighborhood) to isolate if it’s some kind of local electrical induction from power lines that are too close to audio lines. Often referred to as “60-cycle hum.”
The amps hum with the rest of the gear off.
I did try lifting the ground with no success.
1 Did you invert polarity?2 Did you try lifting the AC cord grounds FYI its the round ones with cheaters on the amps?
The pre responded to tube rolling, I like how it sounds. Still a question if it's better than Simaudio.

Need to address an issue with the power amps. Both produce a vary audible hum (big trannie on the left), can hear 60Hz from the speakers.

How do I clean up AC power? Balanced transformers? Isolated?

Update: today I swapped back and forth between my very best vintage 1960s Mullard 12AU7s and latest version PSVANE MKIIs in the QS Mono 120s. My buddy did the same in his Linestage last week, replaced the stock low grade JJs you have now. They do sound lean in our rigs too. Both of us gave the lower version JJs away. There are much better JJs up the line into the high $ Black Sable JJ versions but those are more costly than several vintage and 40% more cost than the new MKII PSVANEs which are decent for the $ if you don’t wanna mess with vintage.

Personally, I’ve tried the best from vintage 1960s Mullard, Tungsram, RCA, Sylvania, CIFT, Brimar, Amperex and more in my QS amps. Tried 17 different vintage pairs (some on loan) and 3 different new-reissues pairs in total. Same with my friend with the QS Linestage and QS Mid Monos. Both of us agreed, all so much better than the new low version JJs that came with your QS Linestage new-stock from Quicksilver. And, gotta say the new PSVANE MKII 12A?7 tubes are pretty nice too. Maybe a little fuller upper and lower midrange, maybe a tad more forward than my best Mullard "Blackburn" small signal tubes, but not bad ad all. With more burn-in they are settling back a tad more now. I like both, a lot. The Mullard vintage and the newer PSVANE are my #1a and #1b for different reasons. Have some of the latest "12AT7" PSVANE MKIIs coming this week to re-test those again too.

The QS Linestage and Mono amps are VERY responsive to replacement of quality small signal/driver tube changes, fwiw. And, with really great interconnects we noticed an even bigger difference with changes in the small signal and driver tubes. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I will not give up on QS just yet. Think I will connect a source to the pre and run it for several days, than put it back to compare.

Anybody can comment on how is Audible Illusions sound vs QS LS?
Same scenario here on a 2019 Agon thread worth reading. It was a new QS linestage with no time on coupling caps or stock tubes.  Reported improvements over time from 20 to 200hrs. Then swapping out the stock lean sounding lower model JJ tubes with better vintage tubes.

I doubt very much that will improve it. It’s just not your cup of tea. See if you can return it!
OK, I have a response from the seller I got the QS from. The unit may be not broken in. Do I leave it on for 24hrs? What is the best fastest way to get it done?
No mono switch, only power and tape bypass switches. Looks exactly like the one on QS website.
FYI: There are two models of that QS. The older one uses 12AX7 tubes and the newer one uses 12AT7 tubes. Are you sure that the one you have is the newer one? BTW, the new model has no mono switch!
I can keep P5 pre.
Really wanted to have a good tube pre to match the M120s.
Hoped for a synergy within QS brand.

Why don’t you just stay with the P5 preamp? Or is that a loaner.

By the way my brother is having the same issue re lack of weight with his QS mid monos. So he is following your journey closely here.

The G
The QS was not tampered with, the original tubes and caps. I did invert the polarity.

Since you bought the unit 2nd hand, did you check to see if someone possibly changed the tubes and coupling caps, what’s installed now?

How about Audioconnection’s inverted polarity note above, did you try it, and did that help?
agranttz OP

Use a phono stage with high gain >60db and feed that into your Prometheus TVC you should be right to go with that, even though I find transformer passive volume controls quite colored and softened.
I think the Sutherland PHD can do set at it’s highest 61db.

Cheers George
OK, now I am confused more then ever. Have 3 preamps on hand: QS LS, passive Prometheus TVC and Simaudio P5 (dual chassis). QS was the least favorite of the 3: no weight, very lean, dry sound. The TVC gave me some weight, transparency. Simaudio was the best, it owned the M120s, full rich sound, very spacious.
Now what? I was hoping QS would be the ticket. Stock tubes, I do not think the amp was ever opened. Do I take a chance with NOS? 

Anybody had good results wuth QS power using a SS pre?

Gents, please weight in!
Got the Line stage. Spent 20 min listening. Compared to solid state Simaudio Moon P5 , it feels like I lost the grip of M120s. Solid bass, full midrange are gone. Need to do more listening.  
Yes, it appears on the QS website, specs show both Linestage and Remote control preamps list "inverted", 180+ degrees polarity on output.  Some interesting feedback on it and what to do or try, fwiw. 

Paul at PS Audio did a quick video on the topic for a write-in question.  The link may get filtered out, but I'll post it here both ways, and with spaces, cut & paste and pull back together, try it.   or  h t t ps: / / y o u / H J K s h r T G P t I
AgrantthPlease don't forget many tube preamps invert polarity and the Quicksilver  does **invert >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>simply swap the positive / Negative speaker wires at either both channels of the amps or Speakers done!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Normal Polarity is Positive amp to positive at speakers
Normal Polarity is Negative amp to Negative at speakers**Inverted is Positive amp to Negative post at the speaker**inverted is Negative amp to Positive Post at the speaker  Best JohnnyR Quicksilver dealer
I am getting a used LS, should be ready to go for me. Will report back on the sound. I am running JM Labs Utopia Diva Be speakers, 89 dB.

Looking at your speakers, efficiency, and knowing the amp/preamp signature in stock and semi-upgraded form, since it's 2nd hand, def worth trying it first and see what tubes and caps are installed now. Thumbs up!  
I am getting a used LS, should be ready to go for me. Will report back on the sound. I am running JM Labs Utopia Diva Be speakers, 89 dB. 

@agranttz OP12 posts05-04-2020 6:50pmThank you guys! Just bought QS line stage non remote current version. Very exited! Now need to figure out the tube upgrade.

Congrats. Good preamp match and it will smooth out the KT150s a bit too. Maybe let the LS and it’s coupling caps burn in for a few weeks then with the stock tubes - then report how it sounds to your ears on your system with your cables, speakers. It runs a pair of 12AT7s and Mike ships them with decent tubes IE or JJ for starters... not terrible.

Based on what you want more/less of, we can get you close. You could try various vintage and a few buddies pulled their vintage tubes and tried newest version PSVANE signal tubes recently with some success. What speakers are you running again with the Mono 120s?
Thank you guys! Just bought QS line stage non remote current version. Very exited! Now need to figure out the tube upgrade.

@audioconnection 1,121 posts05-02-2020 7:05am

I would not dismiss the latest 12 AT7 unit from Quicksilver without hearing it you may be doing yourself a disservice as also Quicksilver Phono. JohnnyR Quicksilver Dealer

As someone who truly knows, glad to see you posted this JohnnyR. While (he won’t do it because he’s a referral only type of business man), funny, Mike should DOUBLE or even triple the price on the Quicksilver Linestage and remote preamp for price-range buyers to consider it. Most overlook it due to low price... I did for too long. Same goes for the Mono amps. If I did not already have my former preaamp, I would have bought the new LS. Love the nice spaced out layout inside the preamp, low noise, low gain tube usage. Focus on function first is nice. Sounds nice with vintage and even simple PSVANE tubes, was kinda floored after my buddy pulled his NOS and tried the recent PSVANE "T" MKII tubes a few weeks ago. A tad more midrange and more musical than his JAN Military and other NOS tubes.  Little Linestage sounds better than a few other preamps I heard on his system.  

A buddy just displaced his former other brand $5k tube preamp (now up for sale) replacing it with the $1000 QS preamp which sounds better, more musical, better sound stage paired up with his QS Mid Mono tube amps. He can’t get rid of his old preamp soon enough to put money back in the pocket. Synergy!

I have that Quicksilver amp which I absolutely adore.I have has a Modwright anniversary edition preamp for years & just upgraded to
Shindo lab Partager.Difficult to find.
Great spatial (stereo) effect.Extremely detailed especially the midrange 
I just love it!
Thank you Johnny!
Definitely looking at QS pre. Looks like I will need some good NOS tubes. Can you make a recommendation? As for the phono, I have read it's a bit noisy and may not work well with LOMC. I have a choice of Sutherland PHD (battery run) and Allnic 1201 at this time.
Greetings, I strongly disagree with going passive. At the quick judgment, it serves for wonderful elevator music. Playing a Beethoven piano concerto I find them in a stupor with dynamic contrasts. if you want Joe Bonamassa to sound like Jack Johnson then okay. The thing that is refreshing in having a purpose-built real matching preamp it creates spontaneity with our musical moments with a cohesive aliveness.
I would not dismiss the latest 12 AT7 unit from Quicksilver without hearing it you may be doing yourself a disservice as also Quicksilver Phono. JohnnyR Quicksilver Dealer
I’ve owned the QS remote ( 6DJ8 ) and I now use the non remote ( 12AT7 ). You won’t go wrong with either one. Both are very basic with no balance or mono switch. If you don’t need those options they will work great with your M120 amps!
Currently running  Prometheus TVC passive pre. As far as price want to be under 2K used. Don't think I can get a pre with good phono at this price point, so line stage only. 
What pre are you playing it with now? Assuming you are, what side of the fence is it on sonically? Then there is a point of reference. Line stage only ? Price range? I've heard that Lamm LL all tube pre...very nice. I like the CJ Premier 16 as well. The Quickie line could be a pleasant surprise don't discount it because it's inexpensive. 
Anyone has an experience from Audio Note Kits preamps?  Simple circuit, high quality parts, reasonable pricing, sounds interesting. Opinions appreciated.
Thank you gentlemen!  Audible Illusions M3, there quite a few variations, what is your take on it? MC phono, is it descent?
Been running a Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe with my KT150 QS Mono120s going on three years now with great results. Enjoy the music
joey54207 posts05-01-2020 12:58pmAesthetix Calypso or Pallene, Audible Illusions M3 or if you can live without a remote the newest Quicksilver preamp. They all work well with the M120. You might want to reach out to John Rutan at the Audio Connection in Verona NJ. He has a lot of experience with Quicksilver.

Agree with Joey54, several preamps sound nice with them, including the underrated QS Linestage with a pair of good 12AT7 tubes.  The remote version sounds good too, some prefer the non-remote version sonically. Some other members here running Aesthetix with Mono 120s with success. Dehaviland, Erhard-Audio, AI M3 all potential candidates...  

I truly enjoy running an upgraded Cary SLP-98 (6SN7 based) tube preamp with my Quicksilver Mono 120s.  This combo is very responsive to effective changes on input tubes and RCA interconnect changes. 
agranttz OP
Preamp suggestion for Quicksilver M120 amps

They don’t need any active pre’s to alter the sound of them Sam said to me.

Sam Tellig of Stereophile had a pair these, his favorite amps. He did a review of my Lightspeed Attenuator passive preamp into them and bought it (for trade price).
In the review he said it put your "active preamps feet into the fire". This was taken from the end of year "Recommended Components" issue.

With this sort of input sensitivity and impedance, they really don’t need any more gain from any active preamp
Input Sensitivity 1 volt
Input impedance 100 K ohms
A Quote from Nelson pass

Cheers George

Aesthetix Calypso or Pallene, Audible Illusions M3 or if you can live without a remote the newest Quicksilver preamp. They all work well with the M120. You might want to reach out to John Rutan at the Audio Connection in Verona NJ. He has a lot of experience with Quicksilver.