Preamp or DAC

Hello all. My system consists of the following:

Coda 16 Amp, Coda 07x preamp, Holo May KTE Dac, Aurender N20, Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers and a pair of REL 812 subs. I am considering changing either the preamp or Dac. I would like to go with tubes. Would you think I would get more sq change in changing the preamp or Dac? I am thinking Dac but I wanted to hear your opinions. Considering ARC, new Don Sachs or Aric Audio in pres and Lampizator or other in DACs. So, would the preamp or DAC make a bigger difference? I will say I have a $12k to $15k budget.



Regarding the Coda 07X, I recently replaced mine with an Audible Illusions L3A. Purchased it on a whim never planning on it overtaking the Coda. Alas, it did. The Coda has way more remote control features plus gain matching the inputs is super great. In the end, the A.I. is sonically superior to my ears. Though losing the Codas input switching via the remote control was a bummer.....

I have a similar type of system. Coda #8 amp, Holo Audio May KTE DAC, Holo Audio Serene KTE preamp and Aurender N200. I also have dual REL subs. I ordered a new BAT VK-80 tube preamp a few days ago. I’m also trying to integrate some tubes into my system. Many people I know weren't really happy with the Coda 07X preamp. You won't have any problems with impedance matching with the Coda and most preamps. The 10-1 ratio will be easily met with most preamps and your amp.


With your $12k - 15k budget, get a used Aries Cerat Incito S preampfifier or Helene DAC. Either unit will greatly transform your system and it’s worth every penny. It’s just extremely hard to find a used / demo unit in the market.

Sell the preamp and DAC and upgrade to a top end DAC with preamp capabilities.  I'd recommend the Weiss Helios.  GL!!

I have a CODA #16 and owned a CODA 07x preamp. I ended up with the Benchmark HPA4 (or LA4) preamp and the Holo Audio Serene preamp. Either preamp works great with the #16, with slight sonic differences. My DAC is the Schitt Yggi+ OG.

I recently heard the new SimAudio 791 preamp/DAC/ethernet streamer and while very good and extremely convenient. I had no desire to change out my preamp or DAC (and fibre optic streaming) for the much costlier 791.