Power Cords

I currently have Wireworld Silver Electra power cords with upgraded Platinum plugs. I had two 1M Wireworld Platinum power cords, but rearranged my system and required longer cords. Yesterday I borrowed two Shunyata Sigma NR power cords. On the first note my wife softly said, "that sounds better". She said it was clearer. I listened for a couple hours, changing the power cords a couple of times. In my system and to my ears this is my conclusion:
The Sigma's are cleaner, definitely has more bass, a dead silent and completely black background. The Wireworld cords are more detailed, with a wider soundstage and better spacing/separation of instruments. All things considered I'll keep my Wireworld, but I'm curious to listen to other power cords.
After inserting the Sigma's I just don't understand how anyone that listened to different power cords could conclude that they can't hear a difference. There is a difference, but like any other component the individual has to decide if the change is worth it. $6K for two power cords is relatively expensive. Expensive, but oddly maybe a good value? In my system there was a definite improvement with better bass impact and articulation. Would spending $6K or just changing amplifiers yield similar results? As with most components there are trade-offs...is there a power cord out there that has the benefits of the Sigma's and Wireworld Silver Electra's? If so, at what cost?  

Thanks. The Audience AU24 SX is a neutral cable that does everything very well in my system. I highly encourage anyone seeking new speaker cables to give them a listen. I will post my thoughts about the Clarus Crimson speaker cables on Saturday.
Looking forward in reading about your comparisons between the Audience and Clarus Crimson.
Happy Listening!
I’m sticking with my Wireworld power cords. I’m sure Audioquest power cords are fantastic, but way more money than I would allocate for a power cord. I’ve changed my interconnect cables from Wireworld Platinum to Audioquest Fire and love the results. I’m listening to speaker cables now and will choose between Audience AU24 SX and Clarus Crimson. After changing speaker cables I’m officially done changing equipment.
I just swapped out the WEL 20A cables on my monoblocks for the AQ Dragon HC, no comparison -- now the HC Dragon is twice the price of the low power Dragon, and four times the Hurricane -- sounds as if the Hurricane if it delivers half of what the Dragon does is a stone cold bargain

The Dragon HCs are so much more detailed and dynamic than the older WELs it's as if you have gotten a completely new amplifier
I wil write a review of the Hurricane this week. First it will got to Audioquest to be checked. It will not be negative at all.

2 weeks ago we compared it in an audiosystem of a friend of mine. We compared it with the AQ NRG-1000 and Purist Audio Aqueous 2008.

Mann this is a different world. A few years ago we compared the AQ Wild powercable against the same Purist Audio Aqueous 2008. The Purist was the clear winner that time.

But the Hurricane doens’t even take the Aqueous seriously. It laughs at it and asks if it needs to take this cable serious and as a real competitor.

I was already very surprised with the Hurricane. But now even more. I will write in details why it is that different and unique.

Even compared to the NRG-1000 the differences are rather huge. The NRG-1000 was my favorite AQ cable. The Hurricane is in a different league.
Has anyone besides me tried Tempo Electric's custom power cords? I have a pair powering my McIntosh MC2301 amps, off a PS Audio P10, and another one from the wall to the P10. Absolute bliss in mine, and others ears, who have heard my system. Of course, the power cable, and other cable rat race, can be an elusive venture for many, and for many years. The specific Tempo Electric cables I own are The Big Twist Custom silver over copper with Furutech Fi-50 Rhodium AC connectors. I have experimented with Shunyata, still have some on sources, Black Mamba, and HMS cables as well. It is really time consuming, and costly to keep experimenting. I am happy where I am at right now with all cables. I think my record player and preamp are still stock cables, but they are plugged into a P5, and the P5 is plugged into a Carbon wall outlet with Furutech GTX D Rhodium outlets. All backbone power is on 8 dedicated 20 amp circuits, with a Environmental Products EP 2000 Power filter. YMMV.

Finally, my vast and worldly listening experiences having lived in Europe for many years have shaped my specific listening parameters and have brought me to my current state of nirvana. Of course, experimenting in this hobby, is part of the hobby, just don't get caught up in the minutia that take away from the pleasure of being in the hobby in the first place. Enjoy the music while you still can, life is way too short. Have a good day.  
Thanks! for the update- ricred1
I will second the Eryka Badu "live" disc to demo anyone's system.
Keep me posted as your try different cabling in your system.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Get Mojo Audio power cords 
excellent cords
45 days money back guaranteed.
can’t lose.
I concur w/ captainstereo- ricred1
there are many cables/cords,  in the marketplace for you to enjoy.
Happy Listening!

@highstream, interesting posts.

Please could you tell us about your reservations concerning the Sablon Reserva PC and your comparisons if don’t mind. Thanks.

I don't know anyone that will loan me cables for two weeks. In all honesty I just don't have the time to audition something over a two week period. I know it may not be the perfect way to audition cables, but it's my only option.
It my appear that I'm so unhappy with my current cables, but I'm not. I'm always open to the idea that a different cable may take my system to another level. I'm not dedicated to a particular company, only to a certain price range. If I don't hear what I'm looking for, I'll keep my Wireworld cables. During the process, all I can do is report on what I hear in my system. 
ricred1, I appreciate the quandry about money vs. time. I just went through it with two five-cord looms. My repeated experience is that many developers claim that their cables are burned in wholly or in part before sending them out, usually on that cooker, but I’ve yet to find one where it was ever close to sufficient - and I’m talking by at least two weeks, 300+ hrs, if not the full three weeks, 500 hrs.

The other thing I’ve found with some consistency is that around 300 hrs in, better cables go through a magical change, as if someone threw a switch. It might be an explosion of detail or soundstage or bass, or some combination of characteristics. It’s immediately evident when it happens and gives a much more substantial appreciation of what the cable can do. The example that most stands out to me was the Sablon Reserva power cords, which one day after two weeks exhibited a level of detail well beyond anything I’d ever heard before or since from a cable. In the end, it didn't overcome some reservations, but had I liked it more an earlier comparison and decision would have been way off the mark. 
Any of you slummed like me and used the original - SR Master Coupler?  I am using 2 on my monoblocs and 1 on my linestage - plenty of head bobbing in my room!
A friend that I meet through Audiogon sent me an Audioquest Niagara XLR interconnect cable to try. Several months ago he came to my house and listened to my system. He thought the Niagara would be a good fit. Again, to my ears cables sound different. The Niagara adds air and more detail compared to the Wireworld Platinum cable it replaced. I only have one Niagara cable and it goes from my DAC to the preamp. 
My problem is when I hear a difference like this, it makes me want to keep investigating. There are just so many options out there for cables and I just don't have the time and/or access to everything.  

I respect your opinion. I’m sorry, $3000 for a cable is not cheap. After it settles for 48-72 hours from movement it should be okay to audition. It’s my understanding that the Shunyata NR cables are already broken-in and don't need to be played a long time to reach optimum sound. I hear a difference, I just don’t prefer Shunyata Sigmas in "my system". In general I know if the sound I’m hearing is something I prefer or not.
ricred1, I just don’t think you can know what you’re listening to without sufficient burnin of all the cables. It’s one thing to get a general sense of a cable 2 to 24-36 hours in, which I’m able to do (HP also used to say something similar), but with the kind of system and the price of these cables, you do yourself a disservice with this kind of quick judgment.

I first heard of the Sigma cables from this article: http://donaldscarinci.com/three-best-power-cords-audiophile-sound/. I hadn’t been thinking about Shunyata since a few years back I found its much ballyhooed Venom model to be more low-end tricks than quality sound in my desktop system. Over the past year in my living room system - lots of PS Audio, Oppo 203 and ATC SCM19A actives, I’ve used or auditioned a number of power cables: HiDiamond P3/P4, Snake River Cottonmouth, Sablon Reserva, Triode Wire Labs Digital Americans, HC version and Obsession, and counterfeit PS Audio AC-12’s (!). Each model/brand has its strengths and all affect the system’s sound very differently than the next. The differences are readily apparent, no blind testing needed. This week, in the first 24-48 hours since receiving genuine AC-12’s (5 cords), there’s been no question that overall they are in a different league in my system than the others. However, I would never compare them directly to something similar or better without a full burn in. There’s too much change in tone, tonal balance, "temperature," sound stage, etc., that occurs during the first three weeks or so to know for sure what one has. Why set up the possibility of buyer’s remorse from a decision made too quickly.

About the Sigma, a number of users elsewhere have commented that the Sigma Analog was the superior cord for just about all applications, that is, before the introduction of the NR. They noted that the High Current model was overkill for all but truly high current needs. It seems Shunyata consolidated the line from three models - HC, Analog, Digital - to one. It'll be interesting to see if that's a good thing for sound with different kinds of components. It's definitely not good for customers' pocket books.
Has anyone tried Morrow Audio power cords? How do they compare to the upper echelon mentioned in this thread?  I know their IC's offer a great bang for the buck. 

I have never owned any of the Audioquest line.  I can tell you this, there are big differences in power cords. I think most of us know this but I can't afford these uber expensive line of power cords so really can't comment too much. However, I have a Shunyata Python Helix CX and have owned the Python Alpha Helix. Both are good but I haven't had the CX long enough to tell the difference.  I wouldn't mind getting another Alpha Helix as I did like it rather well.  And yes they are older models I know hehe :) 
I'm happy with my Antipodes DS GT,  but my friend insisted on getting me a DX 3 to try. I preferred the DS GT over the DX 2. Will see how the DX 3 compares to my DS GT. 
@ricred1 I will take you up on the offer to visit. On the Antipodes DX 2 front, I ran into a dealer customer service issue, but the Antipodes National Sales Manager came to the rescue. I'm very impressed with Antipodes corporate customer service. Waiting to take delivery on a new Antipodes DX 3. When it arrives, I'll burn it in and let you know what I think. @guidocorona I'll keep you posted as well once the DX3 makes its way into my system.  
You’re more than welcome to visit me when you come to SA. My system has changed a little since your last visit. How is your system sounding after all of your updates? How's the Antipodes DX 3?
Richard: You might ask Galen if he has a Cardas Clear Beyond cable to loan you for your Rowland amp. I'm interested in knowing how you would compare them to what you hear with the Sigmas. I f Galen doesn't, I'm headed to SA the first part of December and, if you want, I'll bring one of mine for you to listen to--although the longest I have is 1.5M. Let me know if this interests you.
All my comments are a reflection of my analysis in my system, with my ears. For you to say " IMHO to flatly say Shunyata power cords were aimed at the mids and top ends of the bandwidth as to their best attributes is absurd. This is again, IMO and subjective." Nothing I said was absurd, it's my opinion based on listening with my equipment. You don't have to agree with my opinion. It's funny you acknowledge everything is subjective and at the same time suggest any opinion that differs from yours is absurd. If you believe it's subjective and I hope every one has a right to state their opinion, it's hard to say that they are wildly unreasonable or illogical.Then again, you're free to think what ever you want!
about any particular PC being less than or greater than...

Regardless of what anyone says about anything, their account is a subjective one. based on a particular set of parameters, or system goods and their preffs or EXP.s in all, however it is one person’s take on whatever.

I’ll not defend any cable maker’s products being best ever or better than, but for it to be better said, the attributes which were precieved in the context of a this & that outfit to my ears was… yada yada yada, and as such I preferred this xyz over the abc.

IMHO to flatly say Shunyata power cords were aimed at the mids and top ends of the bandwidth as to their best attributes is absurd. This is again, IMO and subjective.

With various pieces of equipment, in various system arrangements, most of the Shynyata PCs I used provided substantial bottom end performance, extended the top end noticeably and migrated the soundstage depending on which model was employed. The higher priced versions did more all around than did the lower priced iterations. Go figure.

Its tuff enough around here to surpass the subjectivity angle of a poster’s comments, but to deal with decided or implied bias adds undue complication.

Almost across the board of audio devices and accessories, things are priced as to their performance levels. Some are easier to validate than others as to their value and or worthiness.

My EXP alone says to me price of a thing fairly regularly indicates increased or decreased performance levels when similar items are in play. Again, indicates, but not necessarily equates.

The rut this next pearl of wisdom has scored is deep and lengthy….

“ya gotta try it for your self!”

And this one parallels the former….

‘if ya can hear a positive difference and can afford to gbuy it,, then do so!”

I wish it was easier. It ain’t. its pretty darn simple though.

Everybody is trying to make a better mousetrap. Be the mouse and find out if what they make actually traps you into buying it. Hopefully, it will be a very nice trap and you will enjoy it for a long time.

… or until you get hungry for another taste of peanut butter.

Sorry, many rhodents are apparently lactose intolerant and have altered their diets accordingly.

I’ve listened for two days now. I try very hard not to say one component is better than another one; but instead describe the differences I’m hearing. First, I submit my system is neutral and if it leans from neutral, most would say it leans to the slightly dark side. So my comments are not about which cable is "better", but what works better in my system.
The following music was used to evaluate the power cords: Kirk Whalum-For You, Erykah Badu-Live, Marcus Roberts - Live, Dave Koz-Hello Tomorrow, Kem-Kemistry, David Sandborn-Best of.
After extended listening not much has changed since my initial audition. The Sigma cables produce more bass. The bass is more pronounced and background is darker. The Sigma’s produce a smaller soundstage and gives the illusion that everything is pushed back, with less differentiation between front and rear images.
Returning to my Wireworld cables, there is a slight loss of bass. Bass is still there, but its not as over powering as with the Sigmas. Overall the Wireworld cables are more balanced in my system. The soundstage is more open, with better front to back placement of instruments and back-up singers. Cymbals come to life with the Wireworld. The lead singer appears to have moved slightly to the front, which provides the illusion of a deeper soundstage.
The Wireworlds are staying, not because they are better, but because they provide better synergy in my system. Evaluating cables is hard and time consuming. I honestly don’t know if I’m going to audition anymore power cords.
In a different system, there's no doubt that someone could prefer the Sigma power cords!
I myself have been using Audioquest power cords or several years now.  Previously I used Cardas and later tried Shunyata but found Audioquest to be far superior.  Presently I am using 3 NRG10 power cords, 4 NRG100's one NRG1000 plus 2 Niagara 1000's.  I am very pleased with the results.
I myself am using a combination of Audioquest NRH10's, NRG100's plus one NRG1000 power cords.  I found their NRG10's to be far superior to competing Cardas as well as Shunyata power cords.  But for my Oppo 205 I find a $400 JPS digital power cord works far superior to ant current $1280 Audioquest power cord.  And that is playing my OPPO/JPS ombo thru an Audioquest Niagara 1000/NRG1000 combination.  Now the JPS power cord is only superior to even my best Audioquest power cords with my OPPO.  Using the digital JPS power cord for other purposes it sucks compared to any of my Audioquest models.  The same thing with the power cord that comes with my Rega Orisis integrated amplifier.  
Thanks for all of the recommendations. I'm trying Shunyata again for several days. I'll post my thoughts tomorrow.
So nice to read through forum posts where most posters believe in good power cords and believe in the difference they make. I have always believed that if something makes your system sound better, then there is a reason. And that reason is not a cynical "I'm being conned" rationale or a placebo affect. Like most products, when you use better stuff, better stuff happens. I myself am a fan of Transparent Audio. I once did a comparison with another audio buddy comparing comparable Transparent to Shunyata. At first listen, we thought maybe the Shunyata had the edge. There was a fun factor to it that was undeniable. Over a few days, we found that Transparent lived up to its name whereas to our ears the Shunyata had a coloration to it, albeit a pleasant one. But that coloration served some music well and others not so much. It was that revelation that demonstrated Transparent's effectiveness. And with that revelation, that first piece we listened to, when we listened again, we heard the coloration for what it was and appreciated what the Transparent DIDN'T add. But both were fantastic and both wildly better than the stock cords we replaced. Power cords are the real deal!!!
Hi ricred1,
Power is the pathway to cleaner, more dynamic sound on every level. Its up to each person to decide how committed they are and if  the juice is worth the squeeze.

With a lot of Patients and a little luck I have upgraded my power chords and delivery with mid level products from these companies. I look at it as an investment in having the right tools to replicate the music I enjoy listening to . I will never need to upgrade, ( but would most definitely want to if I won Lotto) I happen to love my kids more, which is why I went mid level than all out.  

Check these guys out for power cords. 

Stage 3 Concepts - The Leviathan 
Sold exclusively by http://www.aaudioimports.com

For Power Distribution:
HB Cable Design - Power Slave

Power cords need to do two thing - supply enough current to th component and not pick up any noise/hash while doing that.

I've always thought that the component that shows the most effect from different power cords is the power amp, and that how much effect is shown seems to depend on the storage capacity of the amp. 

Those with modest power supply/reservoir capacitor capacity (talking about linear regulated power supplies here) are more affected by power cords than those with well regulated 'stiff' amps with plenty of supply capacitance. One of my class A amps seems to take no notice of what is supplying it - you can switch it off and it will play for about 10 seconds before there is any degradation of sound (and another 10 secs. until the sound ceases).

I used a tube power amp with more modest power supply to listen to power cords and found little correlation to price vs. sound quality.  My advice is to never buy power cords based on cost or reputation - audition them in your system to see if they make a bit of difference.

I have hard home made cords with welding cable sized conductors and hospital grade ends sound better than $1,000 'audiophile' cords.
I myself have found Audioquest power cords the best value for the money over the last few years.  Previously I had used Cardas and Shunyata power cords,  Eben today I find my 3 NRG10 power cords at $780 are far superir to any Shunyata power cord in the same price level.  I also have one 3 foot NTG1000 power cord which is far, far superior to the NRG10.  But I am also using 4 NRG100 power cords, which were superseeded by the NRG1000 about 2 years ago.  I was able to purchase 3 demo NTG100's for only $500.  The NRG100's are far superipr to the NRG10's, and are not far behind the NRG1000's.  Anyway soon, if I had the money I will be able to purchase demo Audoquest 1000's at a significant discount as a dealer in Ft.Collins who will be replacing his power cords with the latest models.  I am also using 2 Audioquest Niagara 1000's in my system, which make a significant improvement in audio quality.  I also find that a $400 JPS digital power cord works far better than any of my Audioquest power cords with either my Oppo 105 or 205.  And that is thru my Audioquest NRG1000 power cord and Niagara 1000 wired system.  Yes, a $400 JPS digital power cord just hooked up to either of my Oppo plaers is so much better than using an Audioquest power cord.  And again, that is thru an Audioquest wired system, thru an Audioquest power cord-Niagara 1000 aswell.  Just changing from an Audioquest power cord to my $400 JPS power ord in either of my Oppo players-the improvement in audio quality is immediatly apparent.  One would have to have severe hering loss to not be able to notice the improvement.
Definately consider the Acoustic Zen line. I have used so many PC's over the years and finally settled on the Acoustic Zen Absolute cords. A bit pricey but well worth the $$$'s
Hi ricred1. Have you unplugged all the other cords while you were testing Shunyata? The cords with different designs can interact sometimes as they introduce their own signatures (capacitance, inductance...)? Have you tried to listen to your system for at least 24 hours before switching to other tested cord? 
What I have realized while comparing an fantastic AQ NRG 1000 with Shunyata Zitron Alpha HC is that in every possible area Shunyata was better. Zitron technology simply made that jump over AQ.
I can not imagine what would Shunyata Sigma NR bring to my system, and I even do not want to think about it, as it is beyond my payment level in this moment, but if I had that money, I would rather think of investing into Shunyata Denali filter and used Shunyata Zitron Alpha HC. This would bring your system to a new level. 
Regarding here mentioned AQ new lines of cables... I do not believe it until I see it. I just believe my ears and testing of components in my system for a while. Maybe AQ really made something very good here, but let's first see it to believe it. 
When talking of Shunyata, yes, it can reveal a lot of low frequency information that you have never heard before, as it was masked, and yes, to some systems it will appear too much, as this systems that we audiophiles are assembling were carefully built to a level which covers for that part of frequencies which we are missing (which is now revealed by Shunyata)... so in the end you might think that you have too much bass. But in fact after Shunyata treatment, all of information (including bass) is revealed and clean and punctual, right as it is coming from from the wall or your power amp.
For example, I use all around Shunyata in my system, so in the end I do not need any subwoofer. I really do not miss this box which introduces new problems to my room.
I know that some power amps do not match some power cords (and signal and speaker cords). This is due to fact that some particular power amp and particular cable tend to maybe reveal more of one information and then the result is what? Probably emphasized one part of frequency.
It is down to Power Amp design and cords design... 
But to be sure if some power cord is good for your system, the tests have to be conducted well.
I must say that I've had non conventional approach in building my system. I first wanted to clean it out of AC and RFI/EMI noise. This was done by using Shunyata products all around (I have older line of Shunyata products), and then changed components as they started to reveal their true nature and signature. Some of components were kept, and some where changed. Now I am in phase where I am content with sound of my system, and really do not want to change anything.
Shunyata helped a lot in this quest. In reproducing realistic level of sound.
Well that is my opinion and experience so far.
I second the previous comment about Signal Cable power cables. I've owned 4-5 of these, from top to bottom of the line--all sound great & are built like tanks.

Mine is a very good desktop system, not a full-blown audiophile system in living room, so maybe I'm missing something. But I've been more than satisfied w/everything I get from Signal Cable (that includes 1/2 a dozen interconnects, all excellent).
I just phoned with AQ about the plugs. From the Hurricane and above they use Silver plated (over pure red copper) plugs.

I don’t like the shape and shiny new DBS of AQ. But they say it is an improvement over the old one. They improved the isolation compared to the older ones.
Breaking News! This just in! I must be a Mind Reader! Audioquest controls wire directionality for its power cords. From the Audioquest Hurricane power cord web page:

"Dielectric-Bias System (DBS; US Pat #7,126,055): By creating a constant dielectric field for the cable’s primary capacitance field or dielectric, DBS assures extended bandwidth and more evenly filtered noise dissipation, eliminating the distortions and ringing that plague other cables even after years of use and so called “run-in time.” In addition, DBS assures that the RF Noise-Dissipation System works as linearly as possible.

Controlled for Correct Directionality: All drawn metal strands or conductors have a non-symmetrical, and therefore directional, grain structure. AudioQuest controls the resulting RF impedance variation so that noise is drained away from where it will cause distortion."


The Hurricane is of a different league compared to the NRG-1000. The thing what I will aks AQ today is what the material of the new plugs is.

Because this cannot be found. I think it will be similar compared to the 1000 plugs like the ones of the NRG-1000. These are silver plated
(over pure red copper)

You need to be aware of the DNA of each product before you are able to us them maximum. The AMT tweeter (totally different than a ribbon tweeter) needs the right cables and equipment.

The facts proof that most people have no idea and all made the same mistakes. The shows proved these mistakes. And I saw often the same kind of mistakes on photos. This proves over and over again that people have no idea about properties. Because when they would have understand this, they would never had made those faults.

I visited different 800D3 demoes. The facts proof that they are still 2D. We will give demoes in 2018 and will proof that they are 2D. My 800S had the same limitations. As the 800D1 and 800D2 had. These are properties no one can change until B&W will hire new people who can create better crossovers and faster materials.

For example: Playing Miles Davis on the 800D3 proved that Miles was nog standing 2 metres behind the front line. Beside this the trumpet was on the same height of the tweeter. What proves that the speaker cannot create diversity in height.

We create a superior level in stage depth, width and height. This makes music a totally different experience. It only can be created when you understand all the properties each part in your system owns.

Trial and error is like audiogambling. I discussed this with several people who own an audio shop and all agreed. The sound and stage always proofs the truth and the quality of each audio system.

When the stage is wider, deeper and higher you will hear more details tangible and free for eachother. This makes a huge difference compared to any stage what is more compressed. And the most common limitation at this moment is the lack in diversity. At shows most demoes proof that there is alsmost no diversity (layering) in sound.

When you would have known how voices and instruments can create diversity you would be aware of what you do wrong. That is why we will use real voices and instruments to proof that music is 3D and that it is very tangible and direct/ And that you can hear many layers.

We want all people to get closer to the truth and real music. I can garantee for 100% that each single person will prefer it. We have done this hundreds of times and the results are always the same.

The best and most convincing sound and stage will always be choosen!

A- Regarding Shunyata Sigma NR, looking at the specs.,
A1- they claim having some Noise Reducing scheme. This is actually RFI suppression capacitor place on X shape at IEC side. The CPCC (Custom Power Cord Company) power cords were the pioneer of this kind of filtering. 
These Caps could be found on ebay for  $1-2. Some drawback is that it could push back the noise toward the main distributer:/conditioner and eventually sharing the ground noise with other devices in network! I use some of these RFI Caps on my DIY power cords with careful measurement regarding each cord.

A2- AC plugs at these cables are Nickel (!) plated over Tellurium Copper or Copper. No need to say Nickel plating on AC plugs ($2) used on these Power cords, is one the worse plating compared to Rhodium, Silver, Gold.  Perhaps they are saving money.
----> at $3000 for PC, they could use at least some good AC plugs! 

Shunyata uses a lot of none-sense abbreviations/words in their product's specs in order to foll people. One concrete example is their Hydra PC which has nothing but a couple of RFI capacitors and some Levitan outlets:

B- Audioquest Power cords are usually very good for their price. I use a Audioquest NRG-2 (for Einstein The Turtable Choice phono preamp) where I cut the AC plugs and changed them with Furutech Fi-25 and Fi-15plus. Audioquest cables uses Solid Core Pure Copper as conductors which is fantastic. In my testing bench and system, AQ power cords (NRG-100, 1000) perform much better than High Fidelity CT-1 power cords (with their BS technology which makes no-sens for any engineer/physicist!!!) , Dynamic Design Challenger, Transparent Audion XL and ...

I think new AQ power cords would be a very good choice for high current Amps.

As for Audioquest AC plugs, on their early NRG-100 PCs, they were using some Oyaide Ac plugs. Now they use some other vendor to make them pure copper connector with direct Silver (NRG-1000) or Gold (NRG-500) plating. I use a couple of their 20AMP NRG-1000 plug which is phenomenal.

hope that would help...
Thanks! for sharing your knowledge and listening experiences-bo1972
I look forward in reading more about the Hurricane.
Happy Listening!
I too liked the Wireworld Silver Electra7 power cord. Keep me posted as you audition more cabling. Happy Listening!
I submit Monitor Audio series II speakers are neutral compared to their series I. To my "ears", in my room, with my equipment, I find the PL500s chameleon like. Several people from Audiogon have been to my house to listen to my system. I recall at least one saying, "they had bite", meaning some excitement in the tweeter. I say they reveal the recording.
No speaker can be for everyone. I think so many of us struggle choosing the right components to get the most out of what ever speakers we have. Not that my components are perfect, but I submit they have synergy. I have other priorities in life and my spending habits must change. The final touch for me will be a couple power cords.



I whole heartedly concur with a couple of your statements on being objective. The idea of someone pushing a statement as the be-all-end-all "fact" and then continuing on a rant to try to force this idea without offering any objective statements on how a characteristic sounds in comparison to something else is to be avoided in my opinion.

I have read other threads from this poster and statements such as "Monitor Audio is the best speaker period and B&W is garbage" tells me the poster has some sort of agenda. For example, I recently was looking to upgrade my speakers and both Monitor Audio Platinum II and B&W D3 were on my short list. This was until I read a review the Monitor Platinum had highs that were somewhat lacked excitement. This prompted me on to further research which indicated that ribbon tweeters tended to have more of a laid back sound, where conventional tweeters such as diamond/beryllium had a more exciting sound/impact. Now I have no doubt that Monitor Audio is a fine speaker. However, I could not find a local place to listen to them and the "laid back ribbon tweeter" sound was not my preference. I ended up going with B&W D3 and have no regrets. I love the resolution and excitement this speaker brings me.

My point is that the choices are all relative to the type of sound somebody wants to hear. The new Audioquest cables could be very good indeed, but I have yet to see a full technical description on Audioquest’s website. It’s obvious that they are tripling the cords to make larger awg. They are also documenting the wire conductor material (such as solid PSC copper or solid PSS silver). But I have yet to see their description of termination plugs (whether they are gold-plated, silver-plated, or whatever). I hesitate to believe an outside source for this if Audioquest themselves have not published these specifications.

When AQ gives me access I will write the review. And I will describe in details why it is that good and so much better than the old AQ powercables.

The older ones were in our world not good enough. I am not sure if the more expensive ones are better than competitors. Because AQ use silver inside.

All my tests with the Wel were not that good. I think I will prefer other brands more who also make expensive powercables with only the use of copper.

We work by facts and we are not here to be polite. We protect all our clients. For them we work this precise and hard.
I did a lot of research in many brands and products. I know of most of them the DNA. All Marantz products proof to be 2D. I can proof this on facts.

I sold many Monitor Audio loudspeakers to Maranzt owners. But after a 3D demo they all wanted to get rid of their Marantz. Each person in the world will always choose directly for 3D sound. In both stereo and surround.

This is based on how our emotion works. Soon I will place many reviews of clienst who went from 2D to 3D image. They all use their systems so much more and longer at the same time compared to the past.

That is why I will never sell any kind of 2D audio again in this life. Over 99% of all audiosystems sold over the world are 2D.

I think it is time for only 3D image. Because it will bring people to a more realistic level in sound. And they will be much more happy with their systems.

Hi BlindJim, your non-PC dating metaphores are delightfully refreshing.

BO1972: Your observations on Hurricane wires are food for thought, although I was hoping for a sober discussion of relative differences in audible properties, rather than an acrimonius disquisition of metallurgies and wire gages. Regardless, unalloyed brand-bashing is unattractive... Furthermore, the messianic leaves me cold. 


The distributer of Monitor Audio in my country now does Torus as well. It is a brand I never auditioned. It looks like you have the right tools to get the maximum out of powercables.

I started to test powercables in 2002. We were NBS dealer at that time and I had the opportunity to test them. I was amazed by the impact of it. But.........I didn't like the fact that instruments and voices became out of proportion. But it was the opener to test many powercables. 

It was always a great experience to test powercables. Most people have no idea how big the importancy is of these cables.

From 2004-2006 I sold Nordost Valhalla powercabels as sandwiches that time. But....they were incomplete and I was already aware of that in 2004.

When you have no idea on which parts sound is being formed it is impossible to choose the right and best option.

I used 3 AQ NRG-1000 powercables for each a separate powersupply. When I replaced them by the Hurricane it brought me to a new level in sound and quality.

When AQ does the official release I will write a review in details what makes them different and superior to the old ones. 

Soon we will talk with different manufacturers about surround. We can bring cinemas as well to a new and mich higher level in real 3D sound.

We reached a level where we can proof that the stage is at a new holographic 3D stage. The stage is 4 metres behind the center en front loudspeakers.

With Avatar we are able to create a height at 2.5m on the rearspeakers. These speakers are at about 1.1 metre. 

You only can create real 3D sound when the loudspeakers, amps and sources own the DNA to create it. 

Our Strealth low frequency will bring the subwoofer to a much more important level in both stereo and surround.

In surround mode it can bring the energy where is it at the recording. From our seat there are movies where you can feel that the energy of the low frequencies can be felt at about 2 metres high.

We want to show the world what real 3D sound is. And with vision we can do the same. We invited the people of LG to our place. They never auditioned the level in details and 3D image ever. Also in Korea at LG they didn't experience the level we demoed to them.

We create both sound and vision, based on the fact that we use all the properties on which they are being formed. This creates a superior level in realism of both sound&vision.

I use the Marantz and HT bypass on my Corus preamp to drive my fronts for surround sound when watching television and movies. I have a ATI 3-channel amp to drive my center and rears speakers. 
My 2-channel system: Monitor Audio PL 500 speakers, Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier, Jeff Rowland Corus preamp, Antipodes DS GT music server, Chord Dave DAC , JL Audio F112 V2. All inter-connect cables are Wireworld Platinum. Speaker cable is Wireworld Silver Electra. With the exception of my sub, I have everything plugged into the Torus RM20 power conditioner. I use Shunyata wall outlets and my room is treated with GIK products. Everything sits on Stillpoints.