There’s no 40 year debate here. This is thousands year old debate of random gimps entering conversations they should be no part of to share opinions they can’t substantiate.
The OP had asked for a power cord recommendation for a specific component within context of a specific system. And the opinions of those who never even stood within a distance to be able to read the make and model of these components and cables are pouring in. Hoarders of vintage low-fi stereos that retailed for $50 brand new 50 years ago that have captive power cords telling you there’s no difference in cables. Others with DIY garbage kits and low resolution speakers that have been listening to their systems at 115db levels for 30 years share their thoughts on how it’s impossible to hear differences between cables.
Gotta love the forums on the internet where you can obtain a legit qualified opinions on everything from cables to marriage counseling from people who have no experience in either.
Keep it coming! Entertainment is awesome here!