Power conditioner for Wadia

Over the last several years, I've owned several power conditioners (PS Audio P300, Richard Gray 400S, Chang, the original Shunyata Hydra, Shunyata Guardian, etc.) and have had mixed results. So far, none have taken my system up to that next elusive level.

I have a Wadia 861 that I use with a Kimber Palladian PK10, which made for the kind of difference I'm seeking again. The power conditioner would be used for just the Wadia -- so I don't need a big unit capable of handling many components and hundreds of watts. I'm intrigued by the smaller Audio Magic units but wanted to hear first hand from people who may have already gone through this. I'm also looking to spend less than $800 new or used. Any suggestions?

Thanks. -- Ron
I'm probably better off applying the money I'd spend on a power conditioner to have the Reference (not the Statement) upgrade at Great Northern Sound.

I'd like to hear from any Wadia 861 (or other Wadia CD players) owners who have had this upgrade performed. Specifically, did the upgrade make for a significant improvement? Thanks a lot for all of your comments.
My experience is that the Shunyata Hydra had a positive effect on the Wadia. This is compared to 2 10 gauge-20 amp dedicated lines with Wattgate recepticles. I would describe the effect as having a more realistic and defined soundstage. Some of the musical voices in certain frequencies have a tendency to either be too large, or misplaced on the stage. For example, the horn section, which should be in the back and with some restraint, can sound excessively loud and as if it is coming from in front of the stage. The Hydra had an effect in reducing this. Also, acoustic intruments and voice need to hold a discrete place on stage. I find it disconcerting to hear a 50 ft clarinet, or vocals that seem to come from everywhere. It also had the effect of reducing the background noise and adding more detail.

Will the conditioner have all the effect you are looking for, it's hard to say. If these things are not important to you, then likely not. My suggestion is to try the Elrod Statement II, because I think this will give you more benefit at a lower price than the Hydra. It's a little more money than your $800 budget, but not that much more. The Statement adds a staggering amount of detail, speed, and energy. It will wake-up the lower frequency. It makes music that was dull and flat really sparkle with magic.

The Wadia is very sensitive to beneficial tweaks such as a powercord, a stand, a conditioner, and other mods. In fact, I don't think the stock Wadias sound very good.
One of the best reasons to own a Wadia is they have excellent power supplies. I've tried two respected and expensive power conditioners and I learned that a great power cord plugging directly into the wall with an upgraded outlet is the best sound. I use FIM outlets and a Purist Dominus power cord.
I got best results with the PS Audio PS300, set to "tube" or "S1" (depending on the music) for the WADIA 270/27ix combo. The WADIAs are connected to the PS with Belden power cords and the PS300 has it's own dedicated line.
Greetings 9rw and Wadia owners
One thing I have found that lifts the next level of performance
out of the Wadia is the BDR cones with the Round things under the player.
Cheers Johnnyr
Dealer Audio Connection
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I forgot to mention that I do have a dedicated 20-amp circuit for my Audio Research VT100MKIII amp, plus I'm using PS Audio Power Ports for it and the Wadia.
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Well, I used the Wadia 861 thru a RGPC 400 Mk1, which was plugged into the non-dedicated lines & a 49 cents Cooper Electrical outlet. Sounded bright on the top (I was getting a bit too much hi freq resolution!!) & it made listening fatiguing over time. Last summer I installed 20A dedicated lines using 10AWG wire (despite the electrician informing me that I really needed 12AWG wire) & Pass&Seymour cryo'd outlets. These 2 tweaks made a world of a difference - gone is the hi freq brittleness & music flows freely & for many hours non-stop. Hence, I recommed dedicated lines & a good outlet. The positive effect is to be heard to be believed! FWIW. YMMV. IMHO.
I was using dedicated lines only before trying the new Hydra 8 on my Wadia 270se and 27 dac combo. The hydra 8 really cleaned up alot of the digital noises. I know it's out of budget but you decide.
I like the Audio Magic units. The small one would be perfect for your application. I've had PS, Shunyata, Sound Application, BPT and I like the Audio Magic Matrix best, granted I was listening to mine with the Elrod EPS 2S cord which alone would put you over budget. It does come with it's own power cord though.
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You might want to check out a Blue Circle BC68 power cord; it has an in-line conditioner. I have one on my Wadia 270 transport, and they seem to get along reasonably well.
If you don't have one yet, get two dedicated lines installed with good plugs.