My experience is that the Shunyata Hydra had a positive effect on the Wadia. This is compared to 2 10 gauge-20 amp dedicated lines with Wattgate recepticles. I would describe the effect as having a more realistic and defined soundstage. Some of the musical voices in certain frequencies have a tendency to either be too large, or misplaced on the stage. For example, the horn section, which should be in the back and with some restraint, can sound excessively loud and as if it is coming from in front of the stage. The Hydra had an effect in reducing this. Also, acoustic intruments and voice need to hold a discrete place on stage. I find it disconcerting to hear a 50 ft clarinet, or vocals that seem to come from everywhere. It also had the effect of reducing the background noise and adding more detail.
Will the conditioner have all the effect you are looking for, it's hard to say. If these things are not important to you, then likely not. My suggestion is to try the Elrod Statement II, because I think this will give you more benefit at a lower price than the Hydra. It's a little more money than your $800 budget, but not that much more. The Statement adds a staggering amount of detail, speed, and energy. It will wake-up the lower frequency. It makes music that was dull and flat really sparkle with magic.
The Wadia is very sensitive to beneficial tweaks such as a powercord, a stand, a conditioner, and other mods. In fact, I don't think the stock Wadias sound very good.
Will the conditioner have all the effect you are looking for, it's hard to say. If these things are not important to you, then likely not. My suggestion is to try the Elrod Statement II, because I think this will give you more benefit at a lower price than the Hydra. It's a little more money than your $800 budget, but not that much more. The Statement adds a staggering amount of detail, speed, and energy. It will wake-up the lower frequency. It makes music that was dull and flat really sparkle with magic.
The Wadia is very sensitive to beneficial tweaks such as a powercord, a stand, a conditioner, and other mods. In fact, I don't think the stock Wadias sound very good.