
I've noticed some nice restorations - or at least cosmetic improvements of a few Micro Seiki turntables being offered for sale here and on Ebay lately. My question is what polish are they using? I have a DDX-1000 and would like to restore the silver parts to their former glory. Any help appreciated!
One thing you might check into are polishing cloths made for fine watches. You can buy these for polishing & restoring any sort of metal finish you find on watches or jewelry. Watchpolishing.com sells about every kind of specialty polishing item you could wish for.
Ask a silversmith what he/she uses to polish valuable silverware that cannot be scratched. Regular silver polish has abrasives - don't use.
You may have a point - but with a delicate Benz Glider I try no to handle it when I'm convinced I have 10 fingers instead of 5.

Anyone actually know what would actually polish* the silver parts on the DDX?

* meaning to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state
"I refuse to put any style of sausage on my turntable no matter what beer I've been drinking."

Well then Weirdsailboat, you're obviously not drinking "enough" beer!
(It is not a matter of the quality of beer, but quantity!)

I refuse to put any style of sausage on my turntable no matter what beer I've been drinking.
"In Pittsburgh we'd use two Pierogies, a pound of kielbasa and a half-barrel of Iron City"

Same in Cleveland just different beer.
In Pittsburgh we'd use two Pierogies, a pound of kielbasa and a half-barrel of Iron City.