Player or Router Issue?

I have a Qsonix 205 player which no longer connects to my network. Some months ago I changed providers to Viasat and they installed their Gateway modem/router. I think my problems started about this time. The Qsonix is connected ti my system via optical cable and to my network via ethernet  cable (and I have tried several).. The unit plays any of the 4,000 music albums fine from its internal HD over the optical cable. Yet when I look on my computer at  the  Network>Qsonix>music folder it says the folder is empty. Hardly! I went to the network setup tab in the Qsonix and did a DHCP autmatic configuration. . The unit registered  "success". On going to its diagnostics tab I got the following:  Gateway - succeeded, DNS - succeedrd, Connectivity - FAILED. So I logged into the Viastat Gateway and went to advanced settings>router settings>DHCP reservation table and found a block with headings of "name, assign ip, and  to this mac address". I went back to the Qsonix and got its ip and mac address, inserted them and hit "add". This obviously did not work because when I went back to the Qsonix diagnostics tab I got exactly the same readings as before, with the "connectivity failed" message . I just can't get the unit to connect to my network whereas previously it was. When it comes to networks I feel like a blind man stumbling around in the dark! I don't think it is a failure of the unit as it plays fine but I at a loss as what to try next to get it connected to my network. .      
Ag insider logo xs@2xoldscott

connecting your computer directly to the router with an Ethernet cable. If that solves the problem, then your  192.168 l 8.1   Wi-Fi signal is poor enough to degrade your ...If your modem doesn't respond and all lights are on, this is a sign your modem is dead. The symptoms of a non-responsive modem include: No internet access when you connect via Wi-Fi or with an ethernet cable. Inability to connect to Wi-Fi (if it's a dual modem/router)

To be clear, if you attempt to download a new CD, you are able to access and download cover art, song titles and song artists? I ask only because the search engine software was changed to Gracenote, and without installing that new software, I don’t understand how you access their database. Thanks for your assistance.
The new router solved things. Oddly the Qsonix diagnostics still says "connectivity unsuccessful" yet I am connected. Some strange bug I guess. Also I could not get the Qsonix to recognize a usb hard drive for backups, etc. I changed formats and everything but do dice. I finally called in professional help and the difficulty turned out to be that usb drives 10 years ago used different partitioning (I don't pretend to understand this at all). He took one of my drives and was able to change the partitions to the old system and now things work fine.Computers hate me!  . 
Are you saying that after you made changes to your router setup your Q205 was able to connect to the internet, allowing CD cover art and music information downloads?
I hate combo modems/routers - too much can go wrong on one or the other. The solution to this was to turn off the router function on the Viastat Gateway and add a Netgear Arbi. What a beauty! Virtually Installs itself, is blindly fast, and gives full strength wifi  over all of our 3,300sq ft. home. PROBLEM SOLVED! 
Write down the address you have. Go where you added the numbers, REMOVE, everything, and save it. Make sure only DHCP, and DNS is turned on. Turn off any options where your doing ANY of the assignment. No subnet, no proxy, nothing.

Turn off everything using the network. EVERYTHING. Turn off the router, ALL of them. Wait... give it 5 min. Boot the router, WAIT 1-3 min boot the source WAIT, boot the Personal computers, WAIT.. until you can see the whole network via Network connection daisy chain. You will see what is booted, what is connected, everything.. It will tell if there is any issues..

If you need to access the actual router, you need the access 168.123. XXX.XXX usually. It will be in the router book. Best to access the router via ping at the command prompt.. If your not use to that. The Network daisy chain, might give you access, for a Factory reset to factory defaults..

Can you believe it.  I was actually Novell and MS certified, a few year back.. Actually quite a few... Token ring, Novell, Unix, Fortain, pascal, C C++, Basic, Visual Basic, RGB System 36,38 and AS400 IBM.. 

Lucky if I could remember how to write a batch file for MSDos 3.0 or something worthless like that...

Opps, too much!!!
Excuse please

Best of luck...

If the qsonix is configured to get its IP by DHCP you could start by turning the qsonix off, reboot the modem/router then turn the qsonix back on after the modem has completed the reboot. 
DHCP alone should work.  Double check whether the default network has changed, often something like:


In the example above, the X may change and you may not have noticed,
but sometimes the address changes to a 10.x.y.z address.

Make sure you are assigning IP addresses in the correct sub-net.