Pink Floyd

I see that all/most of Pink Floyds catalog is being re-mastered and scheduled for release later this year. Any news or insights?
You're not alone, Jack. I'm 55 and listen to just about every genre there is. I can easily go from PF to country swing to chick with guitar to opera and back all in one session. ;-) I like what I like and make no apologies for it.
Who gives a shit if they were "stoners in the studio"? So were the Beatles. And both bands were divine.
You think Cream would've been half as good without chemical additives? I doubt it.
Dan_ed, are you trying to say you wouldn't listen to a band or don't like a band merely because they used LSD or pot or who-knows-what? Or that the music must not be good because it was drug-influenced? I don't get your point.
I hear you Achilles, couldn't agree more. Good music is good music, simple as that!
It's fairly well known that many jazz and blues musicians of the 30's, 40's, and 50's smoked a little reefer.

Of course all of that illegal activity ended by the 60's.
Of course all of that illegal activity ended by the 60's.
Bill -- you are too much, LOL ;-)

Admittedly they could take themselves too seriously at times but they produced some very interesting music as well.
Oh, Achilles. If you knew me you'd realize how far off the mark you are. :-) I'm going on 55 and my hair is STILL well below my shoulders. Get the picture? I'm wondering what the hell happened to the rest of you guys.
Hair below shoulders.... sure, back hair. And I still wear 70's style sideburns.... combed forward ear hair. (best I can do pre-coffee)

Hehehe...Dan_ed, in response to your question -- dihydrotestosterone and genetics - LOL :-)
06-09-11: Audiofeil
It's fairly well known that many jazz and blues musicians of the 30's, 40's, and 50's smoked a little reefer.

Of course all of that illegal activity ended by the 60's.

I was wondering about that as I watched the Thelonious Monk bio "Straight, No Chaser" on TCM the other night. Monk was waay far out.... A lot of concert footage, shot in bw in 1967.
>>06-10-11: Mapman
Apparently the rock stars are aging much better than their fans<<

Certainly the number of "procedures" currently available to these folks accounts for this.

Coming this summer, the Plastic Surgery 2011 Depends For All Ages tour starring:

Nip Tuck and the Cuts
Lipo and the Suctions
My poor little brother got the gene from the other side of the family. Pretty much lost all of his hair in his thirties. :-)

Most of what I listen to could be considered stoner in the studio music. Most everything was back then. There is a huge amount of great music nonetheless. Didn't Mozart write totally bombed at times? Mebbe I saw that in a movie. Anyway, I do believe that the more things change the more they stay the same.
But Paul McCartney just looks that way naturally, so don't toss him in with the rest of those guys.
Download the 1970 Fillmore West show from Wolfy's Vault.

It's all anyone needs to "experience" via P.F.