Persona - Cables and Interconnects

Hello, need some advice for a system I am building in my 14x19x9 ft bedroom.  I have the persona 3fs(right left and center), and coda 8 amp V2 - 250 watts, since I like my music loud and movies 70%movies/30%music.  I have the Marantz 7705 right now for my receiver. I plan on selling my three  outlaw monoblocks which I have now in my old system but should I save one monoblock for the persona middle channel or get a Parasound A21 or something else for the center and what cables and interconnects do you recommend: audio envy or black cat or another? I have a new svs sb4000 subwoofer, too.  Thanks in advance for the advice.
Great news I will be connecting mine very soon, waiting on the nad m17v2 processor and coda 8 amplifier!
Decided to change out the long run from preamp to power amp as connector  broke on one of the interconnects. Audio Envy showed low capacitance so gave them a try last night. They do so many things so much better. Tightened things up, better separation of instruments and sax sounds made me grin. 
No expectation bias here as I was prepared to find them lacking.  Too inexpensive to be good was my initial concern. 
Since the speakers are sensitive to the components they’re connected to I would try each one before selling anything. You never know.
I have had great success with Cerious Technologies Graphene Matrix cabling on my Persona 5F  replaced top of the line ( at the time) Audience 24SX.  30 day trial. I use both IC and Speaker cabling 
Spend the money on room treatments, or take a day off work and get the speakers positioned properly in the room.  Or better yet, do both!