PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM

Hello, I currently have a Lessloss power cord to arrive in about 10 days. Besides the Lessloss PC, I've been reading and thinking about the great user feedback on the Synergistic Research Tesla line, and some strong user feedback about Transparent's MM. I'm trying to restore some of the cyrstalline clarity to the upper mids and highs (planar tweeter) of my Reimer Wind Rivers, while still maintaining the "meat on their bones" (the bass weight, mids fullness). I don't like cables that impart any leanness.

Will try the Lessloss on my Blue Circle BMPH integrated, replacing the Audience PC.

Any of you compared SR Tesla, Lessloss, or Transparent PC's?

Also thinking of trying the Lessloss on my PS Audio Premier if the system's upper clarity is not improved enough with the cord change on the Blue Circle integrated.
Thanks, Foster
I want to mention that there is a synergistic effect in using all Lessloss pc's. This may not apply to all systems, though. I used Lessloss on my Oritek pre/dac, which was a greater improvement than using one on my APL Denon 3910 that I use as a transport. The Lessloss was better than a Volex 17604 and a Valab(Vintage Audio Lab-see ebay)pc. Then I put 2 on my Nuforce 8.5 V1 amps, which were using the V2 power cords. That's when the synergy occurred. My Nuforce's have little power filtering and capacitance, I believe, so that may be why the Lessloss pc's worked so well. If you have some power conditioning going on in your equipment, you may not get this synergistic effect. The synergy amounted to cd's becoming music. Even some, like Santana's, "Supernatural", that had digitalitis before, just became music. I don't mean to say that this power cord is a cure for digitalitis, though.
I added a second Lessloss cord in my system and it sounds great, not adding or taking away anything, It sounds like a live performance at a Jazz club.
I agree with Bhoage. Just received the discounted PC and hooked it up to my CDP. The difference was immediately noticeable. Was it better or just different? Well, whenever I hook up new equipment I have my wife, who is not interested in my hobby listen without knowing whether it is the new component or old. She listened for three minutes and without any question said I had to keep it in. On listening to jazz, drums were more defined and the background was quieter. YMMV
Tvad is right, this cord is not the most detailed but it tightens up the low end and has a very good midrange. It is a cord that you need to demo first if you can. I took a chance and bought one and it worked well in my system so I bought more. I have a tube pre-amp that has many different families of tubes so I can get more detail by changing a tube if I want. I won't be selling them anytime soon just because I would lose my shorts. There is a cord made by Vintage Audio Labs that sells for $100 and is great on cdp's and pre's. This cord will give you more sparkle but thins out the mids a little and does not tighten up the low end like the Lessloss. It is the second best cord I have heard in my system on the cdp or pre.
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I replaced my Amp cord for a lessloss cord awhile back and payed full price, going down stream as the Amp cord is the least noticeable and heard better high end improvments, shimmer and shine without the brightness right off the bat, I decided to get another cord for my Esoteric player at the discount price and it magnified the effect 3 times. I love going to Jazz clubs and comparing the live performance to my CDs and with everything being relevent I felt that I was losing the excitment of the cymbals and other instruments related to this frequency un till now the excitment is back like listening to the live performance at the club with these cords in my system.
I have my Lessloss pc a little over a week now and, did get it at the discounted price. First off, it needs more then 3 days for the pc to settle in for an accurate assessment.
I placed the Lessloss only on my Marantz SA-7s1, so I don't know how it sounds on my other equipment.

The background is a little quieter with a natural flow to the music.The cable gives a grain-free slightly warm sound to the presentation.It is very relaxing with a full rich tone,but without losing detail and rolling off the bass and highs.

The synergy on the Marantz is very good.Using some of my test tracks I wind up listening the whole way through, which is always a good sign.

Is it a good cable, hell yea for the price even at full retail it's worth it. I could understand how people are disappointed after paying over $500, but it's performance fits that price point and higher.

Is it a giant-killer, I don't know have not tried any mega-buck pc's to compare, but holds its own against cables up to a thousand that I tried.

Is it perfect, no,what is. Compared to my Black Sand referenceV it doesn't go as deep or as dynamic but, vocals are really nice.Might need more time I'll try my Sylvania 6sn7w's instead of the TS round plates in the pre that should do the trick,hope I don't lose that beautiful midrange. You see it's all about what's important to you.

YMMV and in your set-up thinks could be different. It's all a synergy thing some components mess better then others IMO.

Well, I've had my Lessloss in my system for a few days now. I can say that I'm very glad that I purchased it, (yes I got it at the discounted price but after hearing it I would still be happy at the full price). I have tried it in a number of places within my system but for the most part I have used it on my ARS Sonum Filarmonia integrated tube amp. The biggest difference I noticed right away was improved low level resolution based on a perceived quieter background.

This manifested itself in me being able to better hear fine cymbal brushwork on certain pieces as well as backing vocals that we previously less intelligible. All of this is done without adding the slightest hint of brightness.

Most of these comparisons were relative to my Cardas Golden Reference which continues to be a nice cable in my system. I wouldn't say that it crushed the Cardas however I am actually curious to hear how the Lessloss improves over time because the Cardas has had about 1.5 years to open up and the Lessloss has been in use 3 days. I would definitely recommend this cable to someone looking in both the discounted and full price areas.

Finally, I had a bit of an issue with the cable showing up, (nothing too major but lots of shipping exception notices and a bit of a delay), Liudas was great and followed up with me via e-mail. I must say that I have been pleased with this cable and the service of Lessloss and will likely purchase addtional cables. Thanks,

I'm going to leave the lessloss on the crossover.
After more listening today I can finally say I am listening to the music instead of looking for faults.

Tvad, not everyone bought the cables at a discount and some who did went on to purchase more at full price.

I'm not going to write a formal review, I didn't buy the cable in order to get a discount, I bought it because it was discounted.

I do agree with your earlier remark about a distributor who could offer a 30 day trial period. Cost would go up though.
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Giggsy, in my system the Lessloss did not work out well on the PPP, but every system is different so you may obtain better results. The Lessloss is on a Blue Circle BMPH integrated and I do like what it's doing there, as you say making music.

I wasn't going to post anything but I received my cable yesterday. I use a PS audio PPP and was intending to use the cable on that. I am using Emerald Physics CS2 speakers so I figured I would try it on that replacing an XLO Reference 2 cable. I wasn't exopecting much change but it really shocked me.
Instead of hearing speakers I heard music. Everything was better separated and the icing on the cake was that the speakers disappeared. Put back the XLO and the sound collapsed. That was straight out of the bag.
Now i'm not saying everyone is going to experience the same change but it worked for me.

Before you become too cynical, try and get a listen, you or I might not agree with the business practices but consider 2 points.

1) How many people have said anything negative about the cables?

2) How many do you see going fo resale?
We would like more people to know about LessLoss. So, for a limited time, we offer the following deal:

(1) Purchase a 2m LessLoss Dynamic Filtering Power Cable on PayPal for only $350 USD including shipping. PayPal ID is lessloss@lessloss.com

(2) Receive the cable in only 2-3 days via UPS international express guaranteed service with full tracking and automated email shipping information.

(3) Let the cable settle in your system for 3 days.

(4) Publish your honest, personal listening experience on Audiogon the same week you receive your cable.

All participants in this extremely aggressive campaigne will be remembered and eligible for a very attractive rebate on their next LessLoss power cable order, should they wish to order more cables in the future. This future rebate offer shall be valid for one year and will be set to 30% lower than the present quantity rebate offer!

Is it just me or do others think that #4 is a bit far fetched? I mean publish a review the same week you receive the cord??? That seems like quite a stretch to me. I've dealt with a LOT of power cords and cables, and I wouldn't consider making comments in less than a month with the product. Maybe that's just me, who knows? It's definitely the most aggressive marketing campaign that I've ever seen any company run.....even more agressive than DK Design integrated amp of a couple years ago.

I suppose you won't get that extra 30% discount if the review is not positive....

John (Jmcgrogan2), thanks for the condescending attitude...I like it! Like you, I don't own one and quite frankly Im too skeptic to buy into a cord that conditions the sound. They sure look purdy though. I already have conditioning...redundancy issues??

Rydenfan...like Sherod said, review in exactly 2 days 23.5 hrs or you're fired!!

Have fun!!
Rydenfan, I'll be interested to read your review too. But in my experience it took longer than a few days for the Lessloss to settle in.
How about the Audio Art Power 1 PCs - introductory price is $165 and I think I saw one for sale on Audiogon for $105. I have a hard time believing that a $500 (or more) PC is that much better! OK, maybe I'm just not willing to spend that kind of money to find out!!
I think all he was saying was he expected a lot of activity.

I personally purchased a Lessloss last week and installed it over the weekend. So far I am quite pleased but it is a little too soon to give any real comments yet.
04-07-08: Trigg
WOW, either everybody is T'd off at Luidas or waiting on their cords to arrive to do their review. I would have thought given the amount of "excitement" that folks would be "blowing" up this thread more like the Synergistic thread

What exactly do you mean by 'blowing up this thread'? In a positive or negative way? Happy that the cords now cost less, or screwed because you paid more for a lesser product?

WOW, either everybody is T'd off at Luidas or waiting on their cords to arrive to do their review. I would have thought given the amount of "excitement" that folks would be "blowing" up this thread more like the Synergistic thread
Oops! I should have read the entire ad body. So the previous price was $500.00 + $70.00 shipping = $570.00?

it was $280 + $70 shipping. They've just made it an all inclusive price. Must admit i'm tempted.
$3000 to match the Lessloss? I will agree with Tvad and say that is nonsense. 6sonsaudio's Thunderbird and Windigo w/ oyaide 004's are other good examples. Both are in the Lessloss price range.

Also, when I compared a Stealth Dream (~$1000 used) directly to the Lessloss, the Stealth came out on top and it wasn't really close.
Am I mistaken, but did the new promo price of the Lessloss cord just get bumped up to $350.00? I could have sworn that it was previously $280.00.
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Yo2up maybe right but will have to pay 3000.00 for a cord, And might be better but also will be very subtle compare to the Lessloss cord at the going price. In my experience no cord toped Lessloss up to 1500.00 dollars, that is far as I have gone. If I went further I feel I would be foolish by making a Cord company rich. You are buying Two connectors and some wire! Be real boys! Listen with your ears and not what you see.
I'd say they are good for the price, but there are certainly better cables out there.
This is my thoughts on this, I bought two when Liudas was running the 500 special due to delays in manufacturing. I went with LessLoss after Tvad and others wrote some fine things that these PCs do for your gear. When they arrived and i un boxed them i was very impressed by construction and fit and finish. I was even more impressed when i installed them for use with my Nuforce amps. I my case a great combination. I wont repeat all of what we who have these fine cables already know, sound wise. Its not a perfect science this audio hobby we love. I think these PCs will survive the deprecation. Like the stock market we who paid the higher price will have to weather the storm. If these cables are as good as we know they are the price will return and so will your investment. Sit back and enjoy your favorite music and hang in there.
I purchased 3 Lessloss powercords in Jan/08.I DO NOT have dedicated lines.The difference in sound compared to other cords greater and lesser in price, i.e. fully balanced sound, with deeper, more transparent bass, midrange that puts the singer in the room, and sweet extended treble, blacker back grounds, and nice deep soundstage. I would bet that if you heard my system, you'd think they were on dedicated lines. I haven't had those changes from any other powercord in MY SYSTEM. All amp/preamp cords are plugged into the wall. Hopefully, this general opinion about the powercords will give you an idea about this product....as usual...YMMV
I would thank Lessloss for this promotion.
Jimman (Threads | Answers)

New buyers can feel good that the price of the cord has been lowered; they are getting a better deal, great value. I agree with Jimman and Tvad that it's an excellent product.

Old vs New Lessloss customers will look at this promotion from a variety of viewpoints however, some positive, and some negative.
Just purchased one this morning. I can see how I would be PO'd had I bought one last week at full price when I was thinking about it, (I ended up pulling the trigger on a Synergistic T2 instead), but hopefully it delivers the goods.
I purchased a Lessloss cord and it out-performed cords; costing 3 times as much at $500.00. If you guys don't act on this new price you will never know what you are missing and you will have a few bucks in your pocket. I would thank Lessloss for this promotion. If you like what you hear now with this cord, you have the opportunity to enhance your system better with another cord at a discount. I've never seen another company offer a deal like this.
I am still happy with my 4 Lessloss power cables.

But I would be shy about doing a review on the cables now. I would wear a helmet at least. Some may post a review under a new Audiogon name and take the "review" price and run.

Maybe Lessloss could have asked buyers to post reviews, pos and neg, honestly. And then Lessloss could have locked in the current prices for these people. An insurance against price increases.

Or maybe Lessloss could have offered early availability on new products with momentum type pricing. Getting the product out there with some momentum.

Or they could have been offered the chance to beta a new product with the chance to keep it at no charge or a small charge. This would allow feedback from a few different systems that would be describe in detail to Lessloss.

I bet manufacturers asking for a comment on the forums happens quite frequently.

I really don't understand the whole of the perspective regarding this "review" pricing. See above. Maybe the manufacturer's focus was just a bit too tight.

The internet is so powerful today. Every manufacturer wants buzz.

No offense taken for any disagreement.
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I agree with the above posters. I jumped on purchasing one cord for $500.00 when the price was soon to go up to 569.00. I don't think that this new price has yet to go into effect. These cords are now worth very little. Reminds me of when the Electraglide Epiphany X came out. It was all the buzz. I stupidly bought 2 and lost my shirt when I practically gave them away months later. I learned a hard lesson there. That one still hurts.

As we all know cable prices are insanely expensive and we often get sucked into the hype. I like to try out the stuff put out by the independent small guys of which Luidas is one. There are some fine products out there at real world (or not) prices. Luidas' price cut very clearly illustrates just how marked up these products are. At least the other guys give a 30 day trial.
Drubin, how about a $150 for one of those puppies?
I don't really need it, I just thought that at these prices it is worth trying.

Let me add my voice to the list of disgruntled LessLoss owners. I have three of the puppies and don't really need any more.

Liudas, this is the kind of marketing move some companies never recover from.
May i ask if those of you that have purchased the Lessloss power Cord are happy with its performance?
A lot of Audiogoner's try to buy quality gear knowing if we make a change in the future it won't hurt too bad. John may be right, my two cords that I just bought are now worth around $300. I don't understand the rational that, even though you are selling these at $280, you would allow us the special deal of a cord for $350!
Just as importantly, it will be very hard to go back to selling your cord for $569 when so many people bought at $280 and the used price is now MUCH lower. If you now develop a better cord, most will wait for the half price offer before they buy. My take on this is you have managed to upset the exact group of people you wanted to keep happy, your customers.
Maybe just my opinion.
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Sweeeeet!! That means I can look for one up on the used market for about $150. At that price it may well be worth trying one.

I must say when I started this thread I never expected it to morph into these latest posts! As a Lessloss customer there is a lot I could say. This new Lessloss pc offer is not a good thing for many who previously purchased their cord, particularly those who aren't buying any more or decide to sell theirs in the classifieds.
Dear Tvad, Hi5harry, Yo2tup, and Bander:

Thank you for bringing up this issue.

Yes, it can be said that I am paying for exposure, in the sense that the 'normal' route would be to purchase ready- made advertising slots, but in my case, I am certainly not paying for any of the improvised, genuine content! There is a difference. This difference is based on the fact that I aknowledge this community and its critics, and believe in the LessLoss power cable. Paying for traditional ads is just pumping money into brainwashing. I want to utilize more of the power of the internet, which ideally is made up of individual people, not of big, anonymous marketing budgets. That's my view.

The fact that the reviews appear does not mean that people do not want to write them. In fact, they are not even obliged. I ask them to voice an honest opinion. Whether they do so or not is their affair, not mine.

It has been made explicitly clear that I desire publication only of the most honest depiction of one's experience with the LessLoss power cord. Nothing could be more tasteless than blatantly purchasing positive content from individuals. In that case it would be better to just purchase ad space and filling it myself without involving the user. The freedom to express whatever one wants is core to the success of any community. I am sure that the organizers of Audiogon would ban any payed review content as it would neccessarily compromise the freedom and foundation of the forums' success, and, hence, that of the entire Audiogon community and business.

I am sensitive to and understand well the feelings that you are experiencing, having bought the LessLoss power cable at normal pricing, and now seeing that a rebate is being offered.

As a gesture of goodwill, I will therefore offer to those who have purchased LessLoss power cables within the past three months (since Jan 1st, 2008) automatic inclusion into the current one-year rebate offer. This means that you will all receive 30% off of your next purchase of LessLoss power cords during the next one-year period, beginning today. (no April Fool's joke...) It is my sincere hope that this will be accepted in a positive way, and understood correctly.

One has to draw the line somewhere; your understandable comments here have convinced me that a "gray" or "fuzzy" line is the most diplomatic and righteous way to proceed in this case. Please accept this as a gesture of my genuine thanks for your purchase of LessLoss cables in the past, the present, and the future. You guys are great teachers. Thank you.

Let me be counted as well. This advertising strategy is an insult to those of us who like myself bought a cord based on the many steller reviews and the positive feedback here on Audiogon.
I agree. Irksome indeed, paid full price for one of these...and it isn't sitting well now!
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I agree. Bad marketing now turned the used price of this cable to around $200 at best. Great for us who just paid $500. It will be hard to trust any reviews now knowing they were bought.
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I don't own any Lessloss power cords, nor have I ever auditioned them, but here is a new promotional price "if" you post a review within the first week of owning them:
