Pass XP-17 and Hana ML loading question

Guys anyone here has any experience with the Pass XP-17 settings for Hana ML?

I just switched form Pass XP-15 to 17 and its totally different animal. 

Just to compare them both with the gain set at 66db and loading 333ohm they act completely different, while 15 gets maximum bottom and fantastic detail 17 sounds great at the top and the midrange but bottom needs improvement.  Would anyone run 47K ohm? 


well when I load Hanna ML on XP15 with 47k the bass was amazing, but top end and half of mid was nonexistence. so naturally I will load 17 with 47k and see what will happen.

There’s absolutely no way that loading an MC with 47K should eradicate treble. That’s very odd.

@testpilot  I don't think I have 100 h on the unit yet so yes breaking period is understandable