Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated

Hello all!

Considering moving from PL to Pass Labs 150.8 and XP 20. Thinking about moving to separates and Solid state. The PL sounds awesome but I think I want a bit more punch on the low end and overall fullness. 

Would love to to hear feedback. 


Showing 1 response by samzx12

Eniac26 your statement mentioning Primaluna in the same sentence as Pass Labs in my opinion is very uneducated and obviously sounds like you have a strong dislike for a particular brand. Have YOU compared the 2 products and listened back to back? If so, what model of each. I mean come on lets play fair here before throwing one brand under the bus. Have you read reviews for Primaluna especially the Dialogue Premium and Premium HP?  You might be surprised what you find. Stereophile rated the Dialogue Premium (non HP) as one of the best amps he has ever heard at any price. Just be fair and do some research before making statements about a product please.