Pangea stands?

Anybody tried or currently using Pangea stands for your monitors? Audio Advisor has a good looking, 3 pillar model that is very inexpensive.

I received an e-mail couple of days ago from the folks at Audio Advisor.

They told me that the product is "on the water" from China, and that they are expecting to have them in stock at the end of May.
I finally cancelled my order for the stands because AA would never give me a reason for the delay,just that they are back ordered.I think they should at least tell their customers why this is taking so long.It's a strange situation,I have bought several things from them and the transactions have always been very good.This won't keep me from doing business with them again.I think it all stems from Pangea's partners in China,but what do I know!!
I've seen those stands also. Sounds to me like AA's suppliers fulfillment stinks. Thought about them myself. Ended up ith a pair of Sanus stands. More dough, bought them online, had 'em in 3 days.
It's weird. I just got a catalog from AudioAdvisor in the mail, and the Pangea stands are listed there. I'm going to give them a cal and see if they actually have them.

This is all very helpful, folks, many thanks! If any of you actually get your order fulfilled, please post back and let us know how they are!
I have a pair on order as well, but my sense is that AA has yet to take delivery of anything but demo models and is waiting for delivery from China. I asked about them the other day, and got the sense that AA is *hoping* to have them soon.

They do look like a very good deal, and I've had good luck with AA in the past, so I'm still hopeful. But I'm in no hurry; I won't even be able to use them in my current room! If I were looking for stands to use now, I'd look elsewhere, too.
Stay away. Big scam to me as I waited forever on backorder and gave up. Poor customer service and I found the whole cheap price thing just to be a scam.

As you can tell I am upset AA to the 10th degree. Stay away.

Get VTI stands from Eric Love here on the Gon.
Be ready for a long wait if you order them.I placed a presale order and every month they tell me they are still on back order.I rec'd an e-mail from them this AM saying maybe in May!!At least I haven't been charged yet!!I've never had a problem with getting anything from AA before.Call first and get an idea of what's going on.