Pangea Ethernet cable.

Has anyone tried AND compared these Pangea Ethernet cables with other brands? Please share your finding. I’d like to share mine.
I have tried Supra Sword Cat 8+ and it was a big jump from a factory cheapo. Somewhat more sweet, musical, and body, I really like Supra Cat 8+ and, for $60, I highly recommend them.
I went on to a more expensive cable (preowned $260) and it was a big game changer. More revealing, clarity, transparency, accuracy, 3D and more musicality. Sorry I don’t want to reveal the brand but it isn’t Audioquest.
I’m interested to hear yours on the Pangea quest.
Off the record, I do have Pangea power cords.
Why should others share their information when you don't want to reveal the brand?
I have not tried the Pangea cable, but I did upgrade my cables to a CAT8 cable purchased from Amazon.

I did notice a slight sonic improvement - not sure if it was the CAT 8 geometry that improved things or whether the old cables were perhaps flawed in some way.

I did notice some improvement in data throughput - again, it could have been due to the previous cables - they were not great.

Regards - Steve
The only stuff I've compared my Pangea Ethernet cable with was the yellow generic variety from Office Depot. Yes, everything is clearer and more focused with the Pangea, but it's certainly not a matter of night-and-day.