Other Rectifier tubes Alternative for 5AR4

I have several components that it explicitly stated that I can use a variety of rectifiers in the same family: 5AR4, 5U4, 5Y4, 5Y3 ... etc.

i have a custom built 300B power amp based on the Luxman MQ-300. It uses 5AR4, but it doesn’t state I can put in other tubes. How safe is it to put in other rectifier tubes mentioned above?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by jasonbourne52

For instance, the 5Y3 (aka the 80) has much less current handling than a 5AR4 (GZ34) or a 5U4. It will quickly red plate (overheat) if used as a substitute!
Use what the circuit was designed with! Different rectifier tubes have different voltage drops and limits on current draw. Plus different current draws for the heaters - which can overheat power transformers.