Oracle Paris MK5 VS REGA Rp8?

Hi everyone I am currently trying to make a final decision on a turntable but with the crumbling Canadian dollar doesn’t help. At one dealer I demoed a Rega RP-8 and just loved how upbeat the pace was, and was never fatiging . And made every record show how much more superior and detailed why vinyl is better then cd is. But at my other dealer which is an Oracle dealer, said I could order the new Paris turntable for the same exact amount. I have never heard the Paris, but knowing how well Known oracle is for there turntables. I would be cool to have a legendery Canadian turntable and Canadian speakers since living in Canada. Plus the reviews of the Paris seams its just as good of a turntable. Though has any one heard and experienced the Oracle Paris and how dose it compare. and what are the differences?
I think taking the tables by themselves, the RP-8 and the Paris are pretty comparable, but IMHO, the arm on the R-8 is much better than the arm on the Paris.  If you can buy the Paris without an arm, then put a Rega or even a Jelco arm on it, that might be my choice, but is a lot more of a hassle and probably more money.

I have an original Paris and a Delphi MKIV and both are wonderful tables.  I also have a fully modded Rega P25 that is really nice also.

You really couldn't go wrong with either one.
I would not overlook a Michell turntable. From a basic Technodec, to the Gyrodec, to a full blown Orbe SE, they are very good turntables. Add a H.R. power supply to the Gyrodec or Technodec, and speed will not be an issue. Once set up they will just run. Jelco, Rega, and SME tone arms work well with any Michell, to name just a few that will work well.

If you carry a strobe set up during your listening tests you might be surprised that your favourite turntable is .25% fast. That is deliberate. If you are comparing turntables, this is an easy and revealing test to perform.
There is a used RP8/Apheta2 listed on the Canuck site.  Could save you some $$$.
I have a Paris, but I would echo the comment above.  The arm is quite good with the damping, but not to the same standard as the rest of the table.  I believe you can get the Paris built for any arm with a pivot to spindle less than 228mm.  Just make sure it fits under the dustcover, if you are buying that.

A couple of other notes - I purchased the power supply with it, and the speed can be adjusted very accurately and it has held for the several months since I set it up.  Also, the vibration control is exceptional..

See if you can find the Hi-FiNews review.  They paint a fairly accurate picture.
I would plan to just get the oracle paris with the recommended arm for it. Since thats what oracle paris was designed with, thinking of it. Also all of the reviews are with it and don't want to spend another $1000 on a SME arm. The Rega RP8 already comes with a nice speed box with it included in the base price. And I demoed the Rega RP8 with a Ortofon 2M Black cartridge which suits me preamp best and sounded killer. 
If you like the Rega RP8 with the Ortofon cartridge, why would you try to talk yourself out of it.  You could listen again, looking out for that speed situation(.25% fast)-maybe by having your dealer check it.