Oppo 205 with Parasound JC-1s

I’m downsizing and deciding what to keep. I’m keeping an Ayre AX-7e integrated and C5xeMP disc player to use with KEF Reference 1s for nostalgia. I’m wondering about an Oppo 205 Parasound JC-2 preamp and JC-1 monoblocks to use with Magnapan LRS. I recently added KEF LS60 and a pair of KC62 subs to our living room, so the Oppo, Parasound, and Magnapan seem superfluous, but I’m reluctant to let them go.

I started this post with the question of whether the Oppo 205 would work with the JC-1s without a preamp, but came to realize the JC-2 could be accommodated.


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Running an Oppo 205 directly into amplifiers can be a great set up....in the right system.

The JC 1's might not qualify with their pretty sensitive (especially for ss) input of 1 V for full output, rather than the 2 V more commonly seen. This will reqiuire pushing back the volume on the Oppo 205 quite a bit, to be the point where range of volume control will be reduced, and perhaps more importantly resolution could be compromised.

OPPO UDP-205 4K Ultra HD Audiophile Blu-ray Disc Player (oppodigital.com)

Parasound Halo JC 1 monoblock power amplifier Specifications | Stereophile.com