Opinions on VTL-IT 85 paired with Silverline Sonat

I'm looking to see peoples thoughts on Silverline Sonatinas paired with VTL-IT 85. I know they are supposed to be paired with SET amps, but would they work nicely with a push pull like the VTL?
I am driving my Sonata lll's with the VTL Stero 150 and they are a great match. As you know these speakers don't need a lot of power to drive them but the additional power of the VTL can only help. My suggestion is to get the VTL modified as soon as you can by a reputable upgrade company. New caps, resistors, power supply changes will make these amps sing and sound like a $10K amp. These speakers are in a class of their own. Enjoy
My Mcintosh 75 watt tube integrated drove them well with authority. Shouldnt have any problems.
Silverlines Sonatas are receptive to low or high power. They are an easy load for amps. I am driving them at this moment with 60 watts from Atma-Sphere M60 mk II.3's but they also liked the 120 watts from a pair of Manley's and really sang.

I think the power and detail of VTL will be a fine match for these speakers.
they would be great. this combo can get the grunt needed for classical and rock, no set on any speaker will do that. silverline is a very underratted speaker. as good as they come.