Tremendous power reserves and dynamic "slam", very controlled bass (I would consider getting a pair to power my bass modules in my speaker system, and I recall from my TAS back issues that for a while, even recently, Harry Pearson used them to power the bass modules of, I believe, the big Nola system) and able to drive almost any speaker load out there. When warmed up they can sound pretty good (a bit steely until they warm up), though perhaps not offering the level of transparency, smoothness and ultimate refinement of some of today's best solid state amps and certainly not tube-like. They do run VERY hot (last of the pure Class A amps from Krell, I believe), and draw a lot of power when idling and especially when you turn them on--I'd suggest you should have a dedicated 20 amp circuit for each one, as my KSA 80 used to dim the house lights at start-up with a 15 amp circuit. Since they're pretty old you should have Krell give them a checkup if you buy them, some of the internal parts might need replacement.