Onkk Cue Turntable

Hi A-goners,

This might be of interest to some people out there who are looking into getting a new TT as a conversation piece in their setup. I was over at the Dave Lalin's (a.k.a. Audio Doctor) showroom here in Jersey City, NJ, to audition a pair of Paradigm Persona 9H speakers which were paired with a turntable from the UK, ONKK Cue with a Jelco tonearm and a Koetsu Rosewood cartridge. Amplification was T+A from Germany. I was very impressed from what I heard through the speakers, the TT made the speakers "sing" in a way the digital streaming did not do. Check out the TT if you have a chance, by appointment only. This TT is beyond my price point at $20k without arm, but supposedly a more affordable model will follow. The design might not be for everyone but the ones who dig it will be happy! Love/Hate!

An "interesting" interview by Steve Guttenberg can be found here:

More info here:


Audition here:


Don't most good turntables "make the music sing in a way digital streaming does not?"
The one construction technique he uses that sounds pretty cool is an all-ceramic bearing that because of the materials self-lubricating properties allows much less clearance than other bearings. Also seems to have a pretty good motor with advanced drive control. Nice idea on the platter dish too. Now if he would just make it look cool, throw in a George Jetson rack, tack on another hundred large, eat VPI for lunch.