One Box Player for digital/Sonos

Not sure if I should have put this on the amp or digital section. I have the two channel rig I love. Heck I haven't bought a cd player in four months. I do have a small surround system for movies which is pretty cool.

I listen to music all of the time on my Sonos system outdoors (back porch/camping area)at my home with a beautiful view. I have some old int amps and small bookshelf speakers around and it actually sounds pretty good.

I am pretty educated in gear but I am looking for a one box player or something easy to carry outside in a pinch.
I know Bose/Boston and some othe companies make them, but
I am sure I am missing something not being as familiar with this gear.

Prefer an RCA two channel in but will use a mini jack if needed of course.

Any suggestions up to $1000......does not have to be that much. THANKS
I did notice with the smaller amps the sound was pretty good from the ZP 90. Not nearly as good on the big rig.

I am sure the sound is good enough from the S5 and I am
going to check out the Sqeezebox.
Also, with the latest Sonos software release, you can now use two of the S5's as Left and Right channels in a single zone. Easy setup!

Sure wish they would do HD files.

Not 100% what you are looking for but may want to have a look at the Squeezebox Boom.
Yes, I have seen the S5 and it seems preety cool especially for the price.
I do have a ZP 90 to hook up to an amp of some sort. I may go the s5 route.

I would like to see what else is out there.
For other than Sonos purposes also.