OMG - I am just investigating ‘tweaks’ to improve my audio system.


i have been been using Audiogon to educate myself on trying to improve my audio systems ( yes I have two systems - one in my main living area and one in my man cave ). I actively buy used equipment on Audiogon and I use the discussion boards to educate myself on how to best improve my sound. I just specifically asked for help on implementing the ‘new orange fuse from SR in my main system on another thread that apparently just got shut down ! To clarify comments made on the thread that is now closed - I am only looking to replace fuses that I have access to on the outside of my system components. I am not opening up any equipment. I am not qualified to do this - I am a Chemist who loves music! Audiogon discussion boards have improved my sound in the last 6 months to a level that is ‘over the Moon great’. I now use Anticable for my interconnects and speaker wire, Furman Elite 15 Power Conditioner, High Fidelity Cables MC 0.5 Power Conditioner.  I upgraded my Maggie 1.6 qrs- they are now Peter Gunned - midrange vocals are the best I have ever heard!

the people hear that have helped me - you know who you are - elizebeth - nonoise - thanks again for the help!

i asked for help directly from Oregonpapa concerning the SR Orange fuse just released - but I got the thread killed I guess - sorry. Not my intent. I just wanted to buy the correct fuse that I can access without opening up my equipment. I listed my specific equipment earlier - but the only fuses I have access to are:

Krell KAV 400 xi - one fuse port labeled AGC 8 - this integrated amp is out of warranty and 9 years old - still sounds great
Maggie 1.7i - type 3AG 4 amp max

any help would be appreciated!

Sorry, the job of asking stupid questions is already taken. G.....L....
If your Schumann generator is 180 degrees out of phase with the natural Schumann resonance what happens?
Thyname 11-24-2019
I firmly believe that pleasure should be the primary factor in deciding how lovers of pure sound reproduction should spend their money...
An excellent point, and one that we should all reflect on...
Dear @oregonpapa  :  """  Did you replace all of the fuses with copper plugs? """

No. In  almost any electronic item after the fuse the elctrical power goes through a cable " some where " inside the item. So what I did was that my power cables goes directly inside and soldered at the place where goes the the original after fuse wire/cable.

Was the only way to really listen the diferences with a fuse and with out a fuse. He re is where I took in count all the added  fuses colorations.

you said the after-market fuses improved your sound and you liked the results ... """

as I said " nice " colorations but after listened with no fuses diferences are for the better with no fuse at all.
We have to have first hand experiences with no fuse to take in count what really happens down there.

Why those fuse colorations is something that some gentlemans tryed to explain with out not much sucess. A fuse size is around 2cm. on length and I read that for some people makes higher differences than an IC cable change.


rauliruegas ...

Thank you for the response. Now that you've explained it, I see what you did. I don't suppose it would be for everyone though. A person would have to have some talent with electronics to do the job, plus what happens to the warranty on the electronics if something goes bad? 

I think I'll stick with aftermarket fuses. :-)

Wow - sorry for the delay in my input here since I started this thread. My wife and I have been on vacation for two weeks out of the country with limited internet (Carib vacation).

My Krell KAV 400 xi is now repaired by Krell and on it’s way back to me. It needed to be recapped in the Amp, and repairs in the preamp to eliminate a hum at high volume. In my book this speaks very well on build quality at Krell - a 15 year old integrated amp hopefully in new condition for $775. What a great country! A new Krell integrated runs $7,000.

To address some comments I have read - I have addressed room acoustics, within limits my wife will accept. The sound out of my system - vocals, imaging, highs, bass are very accurate. I love my biamped Maggie 1.7i with bass panel. My references are multiple live Diana Krall concerts, and small Jazz Club music (The Jazz Corner at Hilton Head Island).

i have done multiple tweaks to my system already ( speaker wire, interconnects, Furman Power Conditioner, High Fidelity Cables MC 0.5  ) with good results.

 I cannot wait to find out how my rebuilt Krell sounds. Once I get the Krell  broken in, I will look into additional ‘tweaks’ going forward.

Everyone - this is a hobby! Enjoy Listening.
>>>>I’ll give it a shot. What do you do, pour it on the amplifier?
Reminder, you do not have an amplifier. Do not pour it on someone else's.
"...a 15 year old integrated amp hopefully in new condition for $775. What a great country! A new Krell integrated runs $7,000."
Seems like an 15-year-old amplifier for $7775. Nothing wrong with a little Botox every now and then. I doubt those new  $7000 ones would last 15 years.

I have one 17-18-19 year old amplifier made in China. No hum yet but probably not worth repairing, if it ever happens.

Dear @oregonpapa  : I understand you but in reality with a little care that can't happen if your electrical power line(s) are fully regulated and true bullet proof.

The rewars are really high and worth to do it and if you can at least you have to know why is worth to do it, why the best " path " is no fuse at input electronic items.

Obviously that it's a personal decision.

Regards and enoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Everyone - here is another update on my quest for better sound - my Krell KAV 400 xi is now officially unrepairable- it did not pass Krell’s last Test before being shipped back to me (DC voltage drift that was not correctable). Sorry for the earlier misinformation.

i have decided to buy Krell’s new integrated amp as my replacement - the Krell K 300i. This does dent my budget, but I am excited to get my hands on it - hopefully by Jan 6th per Krell.

per Georgehifi’s earlier comments - I am getting a brand new preamp and amplifier instead of a rebuilt 15 year old Krell. And a 5 year warranty is also included. Not a bad situation after my wife got over the upfront investment!

i have used my ‘other 5 year old Krell - a S550i’ in my main system the last month, and it is outperforming the older 400xi. Hopefully the new Krell will be another step change upward. I will let you all know how it goes. My budget is busted but I will have both of my systems back soon. I admit II need my music to stay sane! I guess I could have worse vices!

my tweaking my stereo systems is now on hold for at least the first half of 2020.

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
tom8999 OP
I have decided to buy Krell’s new integrated amp as my replacement - the Krell K 300i. This does dent my budget, but I am excited to get my hands on it - hopefully by Jan 6th per Krell.
Per Georgehifi’s earlier comments - I am getting a brand new preamp and amplifier instead of a rebuilt 15 year old Krell. And a 5 year warranty is also included.

 Good for you, a much better sonic investment to do that. Than doing any "snake oil purchases", that will leave you doubting if the money was well spent.

Cheers George
Some things I have bought, there is no doubt to the improvement, and no doubt as to why.

Power cables.
DAC mods, and improved power supply.
Equipment isolation.
Cleaning up the power.
Jitter control, USB-S/PDIF converter, re-clocking.

Some others that I’ve added have made a difference, both small and not so small.
People with no experience of these will not change my experiences, my sound improvements, or my system. I will continue telling others of the benefits.

As predicted, immediately after my post cometh the heckler.

Those few are engineered and measurable tweaks.

For those who wish to see the whole tweakamania story and the other
70% of snake oil BS tweaks, they can be seen here.
Make sure your wearing a kidney belt when reading.

Cheers George

You are making this personal. I’m not heckling.
You are acting like a bully. I don’t like bullies.
Just stop it.

And you really need to research the meaning of words before you use them.
When I state my observations (as encouraged in this forum), that is in no way heckling.

That’s more in your line anyway...
"... aggressive comments or abuse."
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And grammar sir
Make sure your wearing a kidney belt when reading.
Should be you're (a contraction).
It looks like love is in the air, another budding bromance right here on Audiogon! 💕