OMG - I am just investigating ‘tweaks’ to improve my audio system.


i have been been using Audiogon to educate myself on trying to improve my audio systems ( yes I have two systems - one in my main living area and one in my man cave ). I actively buy used equipment on Audiogon and I use the discussion boards to educate myself on how to best improve my sound. I just specifically asked for help on implementing the ‘new orange fuse from SR in my main system on another thread that apparently just got shut down ! To clarify comments made on the thread that is now closed - I am only looking to replace fuses that I have access to on the outside of my system components. I am not opening up any equipment. I am not qualified to do this - I am a Chemist who loves music! Audiogon discussion boards have improved my sound in the last 6 months to a level that is ‘over the Moon great’. I now use Anticable for my interconnects and speaker wire, Furman Elite 15 Power Conditioner, High Fidelity Cables MC 0.5 Power Conditioner.  I upgraded my Maggie 1.6 qrs- they are now Peter Gunned - midrange vocals are the best I have ever heard!

the people hear that have helped me - you know who you are - elizebeth - nonoise - thanks again for the help!

i asked for help directly from Oregonpapa concerning the SR Orange fuse just released - but I got the thread killed I guess - sorry. Not my intent. I just wanted to buy the correct fuse that I can access without opening up my equipment. I listed my specific equipment earlier - but the only fuses I have access to are:

Krell KAV 400 xi - one fuse port labeled AGC 8 - this integrated amp is out of warranty and 9 years old - still sounds great
Maggie 1.7i - type 3AG 4 amp max

any help would be appreciated!


Showing 2 responses by glupson

"...a 15 year old integrated amp hopefully in new condition for $775. What a great country! A new Krell integrated runs $7,000."
Seems like an 15-year-old amplifier for $7775. Nothing wrong with a little Botox every now and then. I doubt those new  $7000 ones would last 15 years.

I have one 17-18-19 year old amplifier made in China. No hum yet but probably not worth repairing, if it ever happens.

>>>>I’ll give it a shot. What do you do, pour it on the amplifier?
Reminder, you do not have an amplifier. Do not pour it on someone else's.