Old Amp vs. New Amp

Hi All!

I'm in search of a new amplifier and I am looking at new amps as well as older used amps.  There is some really great older gear out there for very reasonable prices, and of course the new stuff is considerably more expensive.

Is newer stuff really any better than some of the great older gear from the 90's and early 00's?

I do plan on using balanced cables.  I have heard a lot of good things about those, and my preamp supports them.
" Thanks for your input.  Honestly I am a little skeptical about class D.  I don't really have a reason to be though."  


     Very normal and healthy to be skeptical.  I was initially skeptical, too.  

      About 3 yrs ago, my older class A/B Aragon 4004 MKII died of old age due to leaking caps in the power supply.  I didn't want to spend $1,000 to repair an almost 20 yr old amp so I bought a classDaudio SDS-440CS amp for $630.   I thought this would be a temporary solution until I bought another good quality class A/B amp for considerably more money.  I figured there was little risk since it came with a money back guarantee for 3 weeks.

     I was still skeptical when I was inserting this little amp into my system.  I thought: How could an amp that was 1/3rd the size, weight and price of my former Aragon match its performance? But this amp outperformed my old amp in every quality most of us care about; better bass control and response, much lower noise floor, better dynamics,more detailed while having a similar sound staging and smooth mid-range and treble response that never approached harshness.  It was the best amp I ever used in my system up to that point.

     I've noticed frequent skeptical posts from audio forum members about class D amps but rarely are they from actual users and it's typically fairly obvious from their comments that they've never even auditioned a good class D amp in their own system or any other system.

      Regardless,  I definitely think you'd be happy with an older tube or class A amp and possibly even with one that predominately operated in class A if you're willing to pay a steep price.
Hope this helped you,
Interesting!  Thanks Tim.  

I had never heard of Classdaudio.  I just looked at their website.

Certainly something to consider.
petrela just curious you mention tubes a few times and your speakers are certainly tube friendly but you're not interested in a  tubed power amp? To me a lot of tubed circuits are timeless and well designed point to point wired tubed stuff is relatively easy and cheap to fix. Just a thought.
Since the OP has an NAD BEE amp I will say this--I used an NAD BEE integrated amp for years and then switched to a tube pre-amp/class D power amp integrated (made by Rogue).  To my ear it's definitely an upgrade from the NAD solid-state integrated.   As much the Rogue pleases me I expect that many higher-priced rigs will sound even better--I'm just not operating with that kind of budget right now.  At any rate, in this zone I think class D is a fine alternative.