
Responses from petrela

Old Amp vs. New Amp
orpheus10...  What amp did you buy from Parts Express?  I had a little Dayton amp that I used for desktop speakers.  It did pretty good until it got fried.  Now I'm using a NAD 3020 for my desktop speakers.  I'm very happy with that.I've considere... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
I too think a lot of the older gear was great stuff!  Much of which probably can't be (or isn't) duplicated today in pure listening pleasure.I think that's is the HUGE challenge most of us face...  How to build a great system on limited funds.  I ... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
Thanks for the note Pete.I'm hoping that this ML amp will be my "Reference", therefore, if I want to experiment with class D or tubes or whatever in the future I'll be able to evaluate based on that.  For now at least (and maybe I'm wrong) I consi... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
jond - Yes, I am interested in tube amps, but for some reason (not really sure why) I tend to lean towards Solid State.  I would certainly like to try tubes at some time.  I own a few guitar amps, and I wouldn't even consider a solid state guitar ... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
Interesting!  Thanks Tim.  I had never heard of Classdaudio.  I just looked at their website.Certainly something to consider. 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
I do plan on using balanced cables.  I have heard a lot of good things about those, and my preamp supports them. 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
I'm kinda partial to the big old tanks myself.  They look like beasts because they are!A 10 lb amp that sits 2" high just doesn't look very imposing. 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
Class D to me feels like one of those things that makes it cheaper, easier and faster to manufacture, but may be lacking in "listening pleasure".  But I have not heard any of the newer "High End" class D offerings.I know PS Audio Stellar line uses... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
Thanks for your input.  Honestly I am a little skeptical about class D.  I don't really have a reason to be though.I believe for the most part the ones I am looking at are class A at least to a certain point.  It's a little hard to tell sometimes.... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
The speakers I have now are Klipsch KG2's.  A fairly moderate speaker from about 1990.  They sound pretty good though and are rather efficient (I believe).  I am in the process of building some new speakers that will hopefully be done soon.  The n... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
That's pretty much what I was thinking on the older amps.  I feel like I would get a better amp for the same money.  As for my P5, I could end up wanting to upgrade that later, but for now, I feel like that is going to be a very good pre for the m... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
I have been pretty happy with the NAD C375BEE.  I think it is a very good integrated for it's price range.  I don't really have much to compare it to though.  I recently purchased a Parasound P5 pre-amp and it seems to do very nicely.  Now I'm loo... 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
The "Magazines" seem to indicate that the "New" version is better than the "Old" version, but I'm not sure if I'm buying it.Of course magazines are reliant on advertising, and advertising is relying on selling you the "latest and greatest" 
Old Amp vs. New Amp
Yep, Specifically power amps such as the older Krell's, Mark Levinson, PS Audio, Moon, etc.I have a mid 90's Acurus A250 and a 2013 NAD 375BEE and I would consider them pretty much equal.My feelings on technology in general is that technology can ... 
Advice on Phono Cartridge
Thanks chayro.  I may try the mat.As I mentioned before, I am planning on upgrading my turntable in the next few years.  For now, I'm just trying to get the best results I can.  New speakers are my next big priority.