Odd behavior- JRiver 27 and MacBook Pro not working right- no output to DAC

I currently run JRiver Media Center 27 on a MacBook Pro, and output that to one of two dacs available to me. This has worked for me for quite some time until now- something changed and I don't know what.

I go into the MIDI audio settings on my MacBook Pro, and select the output to go to the connected DAC. Once I engage 'play' on JRiver, my selected output on MIDI gets deselected and it reverts to "built-in output" even though my DAC still shows as an available output. And even stranger, when JRiver is running, I am not able to re-select the DAC on MIDI as an output, and somehow the DACs still see the computer as they show the sampling rate, whether its 88, 96, 192, etc. 

I don't know if this is a problem with my MacBook Pro, JRiver, or both! The same behavior is exhibited when using either DAC. Also, I am no longer able to set an audio output level on the MIDI set up page when a DAC is attached.

Any insights would be appreciated as getting an LP into JRiver  and then pushing play is about the limit of my computer audio skills. 

Thanks all
-Soix: I went to Haworth tech- very nice guy- I had him increase my storage to 1TB. He’s not quite 30 minutes from me. Close and convenient. Thanks for the recommendation!

I told him about my issues with JRiver. He suggested a total uninstall and reinstall of JRiver.

That worked! Somehow I can only figure my jRiver got corrupted

ps- I have been seriously eyeing the Innuos Zen mkiii as you suggested 
Try Haworthtechnology.com — sounds like they may handle this kinda stuff. 
I am increasingly convinced that somehow my JRiver media center 27 got corrupted somehow. 
Can anyone recommend a person in the NY/NJ area that can troubleshoot my MacBook Pro’s setup, and if necessary, reload or replace my audio player software? 
Definitely willing to pay someone who can make this right! I guess I’m looking for the digital version of Michael Trei 
1- yes
2- yes
3- even after the Mac resets to built in output, I can still see the dac in midi but it’s no longer selected

It’s totally bewildering 

Do you happen to know anyone in the area (I’m in rockland so nyc, Westchester, rockland or Bergen work) that is Mac and hi res savvy that could unravel this mystery?  
And still once I engaged play on JRiver, midi reverted to built in output.
I have never seen such a thing.
1.  You can see and select the DAC in MiDi?
2.  You can see and select the DAC in JRiver?
3.  Does any of that change after the Mac resets to   "built-in output"?
Any insights would be appreciated as getting an LP into JRiver  and then pushing play is about the limit of my computer audio skills. 
Save your energy and sanity — buy an Innuos Zen Mklll and give the computer the same middle finger it’s giving to you now.  Life’s too short. 

Thank you for chiming in Kal. Exactly as I did- picked my dac going through tools options audio audio devices. Tried it with both dacs- a Bricasti and a Simaudio. And still once I engaged play on JRiver, midi reverted to built in output. I’m beginning to think my MacBook Pro caught covid. I know my dacs are working as cd playback is fine. 
I go into the MIDI audio settings on my MacBook Pro, and select the output to go to the connected DAC. Once I engage 'play' on JRiver, my selected output on MIDI gets deselected and it reverts to "built-in output" even though my DAC still shows as an available output.
What have you set as your output in JRiver?  Go to Tools --> Options --> Audio and see what is on the line below the one saying: Audio Device.  It should be your DAC.