Noise from my emerald physics 4.2

Whenever I grab the top of my Emerald physics 4.2 loudspeaker and give it a little shake it sounds like there is a bunch of rocks or rubber ball bearings shaking around inside of a Topps mid-range Tweeter assembly now this does it on both speakers and yes I called the owner and he doesn't have a clue and he acts like he doesn't care does anybody have any idea what this could be, and these speakers are brand new
I figured out the problem I remove the Tweeter from the mid-range assembly with the top of the speaker it just unscrews inside of the mid-range woofer itself is a little silver cone shaped piece of metal that is supposed to be glued to the center of the mid-range they are both loose the owner said that they must have come loose during shipping and that he is sending me to brand new mid-range assemblies he's a class guy
I appreciate your help and your thoughts the last thing I want to do however is to start taking it apart I took a video of it with the sound but I have no idea how to get it on the audiogon so people could see it and listen to it
If the drivers are easily removed pop one out and take a look inside, could be something like a loose screw etc., or could be something broken but seems unlikely if in both. Mind you being open baffle there may not be much to see inside. also have you considered it may be the wiring loom banging around when you move the speakers? this could be make sence if its similar on both.