Node 2i to U1 Mini with Yggdrasil?

Wondering if anyone has gone from a Bluesound Node 2i to the Lumin U1 Mini with a Schitt Yggdrasil.

So far most of the accounts that I've read say that the U1 Mini is a bit better but not wow what a difference!  Being able to run AES/EBU would seem to be a possible advantage here.

Picked up a Teac NT-505 on a whim to try out while having a bit of extra free time on my hands and I'm not feeling the desire to get the Bluesound/Schitt combo going again right away at all.  The Teac has really good bottom end, tone is excellent regardless of how complex the music gets and separation and detail is really quite impressive.

That said, the Yggdrasil does have a particularly organic sound which I quite enjoy so I'm wondering if I should try out a better streamer before I think about possibly finding a new home for the Yggy.

If anyone has made this particular transition let me know what your thoughts are...

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Thanks I'm going to try running Roon through a laptop via USB into the Yggy after putting some more hours on the Teac and see what happens.

The NT-505 is a real sleeper I think - listening to Herbie Hancock The Prisoner right now in MQA via Roon and it's sounding very good indeed...