Metrum Onyx vs Schiit Yggdrasil?

Hey all:

I'm about to be in the market for a new DAC and have narrowed things down to the two referenced in the subject line. But I'd really like to hear more about each of these DACs. I can't really seem to find current reviews of them. Perhaps they're just older machines, or maybe my googling skills just suck.

I should say that I own and like a Metrum Musette, so I'm leaning towards the Onyx. But if the Yggy is great and could save me some money.

I ALSO HAVE TO SAY THIS: I would be using largely the USB input. I know the Yggy is supposed to have an awesomely engineered USB input, and I do wonder about the Metrum USB input. The Musette has a HiFace 2 USB input which, if I recall, was pretty good for the time (nine or ten years ago.)

So...if anyone can point me towards user reviews, I'd really appreciate it. Or if anyone wants to talk about their first-hand experience with either of these DACs, that would be really great.

Thanks, all!

P.S. I know there are a lot of internet darling DACs right now, but I think I've pretty much settled on one of the two. No offense to your favorite dac. :)

Ag insider logo xs@2xdasherma

The Yggdrasil can be a end game dac for many guys. It can present all kinds of detail in a non abrasive manner. I have many studio masters converted with Daniel Hertz MasterClass before it goes into a Yggy...and it is a treat...Never heard the Metrum Oinkn..can’t comment.

Thanks, @deep_333. I read one user review that called the Yggdrasil "harsh" and "shrill", which is pretty much the opposite of everything I’ve read. It’s good to hear a current opinion.

I have 2 Yggi+ DACs. I recently got the OG because a musician guy working at Schitt told me to get the last one available and I would not be sorry. I already owned the "musical" Yggi+ Less Is More and the musician guy told me it was awful. Though I like it with my brighter Magnepan LRS+.

It took my latest edition OG about 30 days to ’work’ properly. Robert Harley’s review is exactly how it played out for me too. The only expensive DAC I could compare it was the Lumin X1 that I owned. The OG and the LIM are easily preferred. I think the neutral OG is better than the warm LIM. The new MIB that replaces the OG is supposed to be very good and sounds more like the OG than the LIM.

Schiit Audio Yggdrasil DAC - The Absolute Sound

Another reason, I went with the Schitt DACs is that a friend of mine who is also a musician had done a project with Schitt building an amp. He told me that he had a long talk with Mike Moffat (Yggi designer) one day and came away thinking this guy is a digital genius. My friend also was not enamored with the LIM DAC. He has not heard the OG but I think he will love it with my Yamaha NS5000. He loved that speaker with the Benchmark DAC3B and the OG is a much better DAC.

I like to give preference to designers that have done DAC work for a long time. Playback Designs, Schitt, Chord, Rockna. I tried a lot of ESS chip-based DACs and while good I wanted a step up.



Thanks @yyzsantabarbara. Could you tell me why the musician guy said the Yggy+ LIM is "awful"?  Do you find it awful compared to the OG?

Lot of people like the LIM because of the reasons the guy at Schitt disliked it. He found it rolled off on top resulting in the loss of some resolution. He wanted to hear everything on the track not a rolled of "musical" version.

Saying all of that, there is something about the LIM that is really fun to listen to. I am listening to it as I type this post. I use the LIM in my office with the Benchmark HPA4 preamp | Sanders Magtech amp | Magnepan LRS+ speakers. The only thing that could be considered warm on this system is the LIM DAC and my Magnum Dynalab MD108T tube tuner,

I did try the OG on this office system and thought the DAC was better however, I am afraid to convert my LIM to the MIB model to be more like the OG. The LIM has some magic to it that works great while I listen and work. I guess the loss of detail is not important for the office listening experience.

Another thing that I noticed on the OG vs the LIM is that the OG has very strong bass. The best bass I have heard on any DAC I have had in the house.

The Audiophile Style web site has some good discussions on the Yggi+ DACs.




@yyzsantabarbara, thanks again!

You've actually set my mind at ease about the Yggy+ LIM. I'm one of those guys who absolutely dreads getting a super-resolving component. I want more fun!

Too often in hi-fi, "resolution" means "Rejoice, rejoice! Your old recordings will sound like utter crap again!"

If I didn't have about 10Gb of CDs mastered from old 78s and singles from the 50s and 60s, I might feel different. :)

FWIW, a comparison of the Yggy vs the Denafrips Pontus II from a friend that might provide some insight into how the Yggy sounds. Both tend toward a warner, more analog-like sound, but the Yggy and the Pontus are slightly different in their presentation.

  • The Pontus communicates more tonal color.  The Pontus is better at presenting all parts of the music with balance. The Pontus also presents with more reverb.

  • The Yggy is more emphatic in how it conveys pace. The Pontus seems more realistic in its pace.

  • The Pontus sounds more relaxed and laid back in its presentation, but has a greater range than the Yggy in being able to convey more or less pace or vary its presentation in line with the emotional intensity of the music being played

I have an Onyx with the Level 3 DACs and have also heard the Yggdrasil OG pretty frequently.  I would say they are pretty close (although admittedly I think a lot of DACs are pretty close unless given a long listen).  Both have that “something about them” that is non-fatiguing and relaxing - with the Onyx it strikes me as kind of a smooth depth to the sound, while with the Yggdrasil its more incisive and expressive.  I like them both more than some other DACs I’ve had from Mytek, LUMIN, etc.

I’ve only used my Onyx with the Ambre streamer, both in the USB and I2s inputs, with the latter being better.

I’m planning to stop by the Schiit store later this week on the way to LA to try and hear the MIB if they have it.  Who knows, I may leave with one and then can do some more comparisons when I get home.

Thanks, @rowlandc31 - the more I hear, the more I'm inclined towards the Onyx. Of course, I do already have a Metrum Musette DAC that I've enjoyed for about eight or nine years now.

I don’t think you can really go wrong either way.  If you do get the Onyx, get the newer DAC3 chips - I upgraded from the the DAC2 chips and it was pretty significant.  

@rowlandc31 - can you clarify what you mean by "pretty significant?"

The Musette I have has DAC1 chips (I think) so even DAC2 would be a huge change.

(Also, the DAC3 chips -- pricey!!!!)

Yes agreed - pricey.  Metrum used to have a deal where they would refund you part of the price of the DAC3 chips if you sent them back the old DAC2 chips.  That’s how I did it.  

but worth it (at least after the refund).  More resolution, spaitially expanded and somehow smoother too.  

I have the Sonnet Morpheus DAC from the engineers that also designed the Metrum line of DAC's. The two companies are now merged back into one company under the Metrum website.

It's a great sounding R2R DAC and I believe a newer design than the Metrum Onyx DAC. 


Thanks @relayer101 - I've thought of the Morpheus, but I'm put off by the volume control. Do you find yourself using it? Can it be bypassed? I really just want to use my amp to control volume.

@dasherma  -  You can set the volume control where it is a non issue. I run my DAC through a preamplifier and have set the volume on the Morpheus to a level that works well with my preamp volume and in the Morpheus settings have the volume control on Fixed Volume. 

The are some very good reviews of the Morpheus on the web with Stereophile being one of them.

I can't comment on the USB input that you mentioned as preferred as I run my streamer through the DAC with an AES cable. With that said I was just throwing the Morpheus out as a suggestion but I am sure the Onyx sounds every bit as good.  


Thanks, @relayer101 - I am leaning towards the Onyx because I currently have a Metrum Acoustics Onyx. So I'm pretty sure I like that Metrum Acoustics "house sound."

Thanks for the input, though. I did find the manual for the Morpheus, and it seems you can set the volume to fixed (unless I'm misreading it.) So that's a non-issue.

Thanks again.

I've owned the Onyx for about 3-4 years now.  I discussed with Cees the designer of both the Onyx and Morpheus and he mentioned by upgrading the Onyx DAC chips to the level 3 chips the sound of the Onyx would be very similar/close to the Morpheus so I upgraded the chips.  

The sound with the DAC 3 chips is more dynamic with a bit tighter bass control.  The Onyx with the DAC 2 chips is a little more laid back and slightly warmer in my opinion but the differences are minor so it may depend on what type of sound you are looking for.  I'm using the I2S connection to a Metrum ambre streamer.

I kept the DAC2 chips and did not trade them in case I ever want to switch back and forth.

Thanks, @mrotino. That information is very helpful. The Onyx is only a month away from being in my system now. smiley

I believe I'm looking for the more laid back and slightly warmer sound. I think it'll take a year or so to figure that out.