No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?

I wanted to pose a question on room mods but do not see a logical place
to insert it so I am going with "Speakers" as a good, wrong choice.
Moderators, can you attend to this deficiency? 

My question: I am redoing my listening room in several ways.
Not because it was bad-quite the contrary. But because the room 
was a dark hole so I bought three new windows and replacement door.
The existing wall allowed rain water in from the patio floor outside.

 I started dismantling a 20' section of wall. As I opened the wall i found the
existing base plate-not treated wood, to be dust. Then mold on the drywall.
then termite evidence. 

Once the old crap was gone, I poured a concrete base plate 20 feet and another 6 feet
on the return. Termite damage had trashed the double sill plate and parts of two joists.

With all the wiring exposed I discovered an abandoned 220 a/c line buried in the wall.
Voila!  I had 2 dedicated 110v outlets for another part of the room. 

Might as well add 5 can lights while I was at it.

I upgraded the Streaming ethernet line from cat 5 to cat 7. Might as well
since I had sawsalled thru the old line. 
Then I learned that fiber is a better bet so I will be changing that later.

Another find! A buried abandoned entry door offering a 30" x 80" x 10" shelving

I started this task by removing the old carpeting.

Now to my question. 

Shall I go with new porcelain tile flooring and plan on area rug -or-
put carpet back for its superior sound absorbing properties?

I hope someone out there has been down this road and has
an experience to share?

Thank you!


Showing 17 responses by tomic601

One key question to ask is does brand X elastomeric between two sheets of Y constitute a constrained layer - converting some motion into heat ?
Rettinger covers all the ratios.... including the nasty but popular one...

and of course there is a nice page on staggered wall construction, I paid $10 for a deactivated Library copy....
People are missing the point of measurement and software and science and listening, they are not mutually exclusive, rarely is one sufficient.

studio six Digital provides a low / no Cost toolbox... start there

avs, felt is not a super broad band absorber But you do see it deployed on a variety of speakers - typically the mid and tweeter. 
I had an unrelated call with Richard Vandersteen yesterday and we got to talking about the room - talked about a Mutual friend of Our who owns an audiophile record company - super high grade reissues - his quality evaluation/ listening room also included The above in the thread  mentioned golden ratio, double layers, air gaps, etc we have been talking about but also S ducting on the air conditioning/ heat ducts as well as the return line.
free pro tip
This may be of use.

i prefer natural absorption w rugs and furniture, hiding acoustic absorbers behind artwork, acoustical curtains if absolutely necessary, plants as diffusers and RPG wood diffusers.
Agree, IF luxury get the room dimensions correct - golden ratio , Fibbonachi sequence, yes!Then room noise floor
The stereo illusion is fragile at best, I myself mostly a seated listener don’t mind 11 bands of analog EQ below 120 hz w typical room node centers and cut 2x boost.
but of course there are other ways
i find real living spaces often far exceed over treated dedicated rooms, not always but often.
best to all
I think some might be missing half the point, which is the baseline noise floor of the room. 
@terry9 thanks so much - I shall build some panels and learn :-)

I had a great back and forth w excellent customer service and technical support at Quietrock the 545 has a 32 mil galvanized steel barrier, I will try that soon.

For those who appreciate science and the blacker arts, try ( pardon the pun ) cutting some carbon black powder into green glue.

i have done this with plugs for fireplaces and in a vocal booth , your mileage may vary
@avsjerry the product I use is Acousticork , it is foam and cork, ignore my error in quoting sorbothane. Never the less- effective. As for the Labrador, some small amounts of random are good

Also, for those not wanting to wander randomly I suggest Acoustic Design and Noise Control Volume  1 acoustic design by Rettinger

i am on my second time thru.... I think n times might not be enough...
Mike at least you can admit that a sign of emotional intelligence:-)

I also have a 240 line split in two, easy and as the OP and others know easy to do and undo IF there is future desire to invest in a step down transformer.

finally since we are on the subject of science based truth vs dusty old narrow experience, there are sources of excellent and effective acoustic curtains- just search on that subject line w Escondido, CA. In use at many mastering labs, recording studios ( ours included ), Kennedy Center, etc.

pm me and I will walk you thru some low to no cost acoustical measurement tools to help you baseline and improve your room.
Me personally I would put down a layer of sorbothane/cork w glue, paying close attention to stud sill plate ( wrap it up ! ) and then an engineered hardwood and then tune w area rugs, Labrador is an excellent absorber.

best, cool post.