No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?

I wanted to pose a question on room mods but do not see a logical place
to insert it so I am going with "Speakers" as a good, wrong choice.
Moderators, can you attend to this deficiency? 

My question: I am redoing my listening room in several ways.
Not because it was bad-quite the contrary. But because the room 
was a dark hole so I bought three new windows and replacement door.
The existing wall allowed rain water in from the patio floor outside.

 I started dismantling a 20' section of wall. As I opened the wall i found the
existing base plate-not treated wood, to be dust. Then mold on the drywall.
then termite evidence. 

Once the old crap was gone, I poured a concrete base plate 20 feet and another 6 feet
on the return. Termite damage had trashed the double sill plate and parts of two joists.

With all the wiring exposed I discovered an abandoned 220 a/c line buried in the wall.
Voila!  I had 2 dedicated 110v outlets for another part of the room. 

Might as well add 5 can lights while I was at it.

I upgraded the Streaming ethernet line from cat 5 to cat 7. Might as well
since I had sawsalled thru the old line. 
Then I learned that fiber is a better bet so I will be changing that later.

Another find! A buried abandoned entry door offering a 30" x 80" x 10" shelving

I started this task by removing the old carpeting.

Now to my question. 

Shall I go with new porcelain tile flooring and plan on area rug -or-
put carpet back for its superior sound absorbing properties?

I hope someone out there has been down this road and has
an experience to share?

Thank you!


Showing 5 responses by barts

Terry,  My understanding is that a double layer of 5/8" drywall with Green Glue in between does not vibrate at all.  That's not to say that Quietrock is not better, probably is, but I do have a budget.  As I have said I will be looking into both. BTW the room didn't sound bad with the old sheet rock. Thanks for the input. I'll let you know how it goes.
Regards, barts
Thanks to all for the discussion/ideas of soundproofing, regards to chorus who I hope doesn't think I meant to hijack his thread.

@tomic601 Totally agree with you that I'm looking for the lowest "noise floor" I can achieve in my music room, although not at the expense of making the room dead.

@terry9  Thanks for the leads to other products I will consider.

@eganmedia  I have to live with with the room I have,  I consider myself fortunate to have a room I can do whatever I want to.

I have not heard anyone mention that all this soundproofing made the room dead.  So, my original fear of over doing it to achieve the lowest noise floor seems to stand on it own and doesn't make the room dead, just quiet from invasive noise.
Regards, barts
chorus, sounds like you have the bases covered in your project.

I too have an exterior wall down to the studs that will be going back together in pretty short order, just need some electrical work, lighting etc.  Covid has slowed the process.
I will be soundproofing that wall because the A/C compressor is on the other side and I
can (barely) hear it, very annoying. 
You may be interested in this YouTube vid "Green Glue vs Mass Loaded Vinyl":

To all:  Does anyone have first hand experience with either of these products? I do believe that either will block the exterior noise, but I'm concerned that they may "deaden" my music room.
All comments are welcome. BTW the floor is concrete.

Thanks.  Regards, barts

I happen to be friendly with Scott Hull, the owner of Masterdisk, grammy winner, chief mastering engineer.  At some point he will be coming to my
house for final tweaking (and then I'll tweak it to where I like it). I have listened to some master tapes sitting in the "captain's" chair at the console. Very interesting.  Anyway, one of his first thoughts as I picked his brain for a while was "Turn the room upside and fill it with water, then find the leaks".  Thought experiment obviously, but it stuck with me.

@invalid Do you have the brand name of the carpet glue, just curious.
Meant to say:   "Turn the room upside down and fill it with water, then find the leaks".