No Output from Hegel H390

Hi All, need some help.

I have recently bought Hegel H390 integrated amplifier.

I connected it to a network via ethernet, upgraded firmware to latest one and opened my Roon. Roon immediately recognized Hegel as end point. Though to my surprise there where three Hegel end points. One Ethernet and two AirPlay ones. I enabled only Ethernet. Network on display immediately changed to Roon and displayed frequency rate of the flac file. However there is no output coming out to speakers. Played DSD file from Roon. Roon recoginized it is DSD input. Same result, no output to speakers. I switched to Analogue RCA input and connected my turntable and played a record with the same result, no output whatsoever. Then I plugged my ethernet cable to my Mytek Brooklyn Bridge and used XLR cable to Hegel input, changed to XLR input, again no sound at all. When streaming from Roon when I press Next or Previous on a Hegel remote it does skip or go back. So network communication works as expected, except that output does not deliver sound to speakers.

Any suggestions? Did anyone experienced anything similar?

Any help is welcome

Ag insider logo xs@2xpegolea

Hegel is awesome, don't upgrade .

Yes it is Gris. I have been very happy with my H390.

I'm not going to upgrade/downgrade from Hegel, before I give it a proper try. I already have ARC REF 75 and my goal is to have active crossover and use Hegel for low frequencies, and ARC for mid/high feeding to my Magnepan 3.7i speakers