No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables.

That's what I mostly use, in addition to Wywires Diamond and Gabriel Gold interconnects and Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun power cords.

Used to be a lot of talk about them.


I used any number of their cables back in the day, Dominus Ferox and Fluids, had some IC's, can't recall the model, all were favs for quite a while.

I had Purist Colosus sounded too much like tubes.....too colored, but in the right system a great cable

At the time I ran PAD cables was running push pull EL34 and 845SET amps with modified Merlin VSM and various Alon open baffle speakers, also loved Kimber Tri Focal XL with the Alons. Then I got the Klipschorns, more sympathetic with Cardas Golden Refernce which I've always maintained in my speaker and IC collection. CardasĀ  GR has always been my workhorse IC cable, tried many others, just a damn nice cable. Issue with Dominus was overly resonant bass wiith Khorns, especially the liquid, Ferox better but then lost some of the lushness in mids. Kimber was a tri wired cable, only need single wire with Khorns. Generally, I like to stick with a single type cable in all uses, voice with things other than cables, exception is power cords.

Have had Elementa and Aqueous speaker cables for decades; Aqueous still in use in my living room system; Elementa in storage (replaced by much more flexible Morrow SP-4 cables).