No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables.

That's what I mostly use, in addition to Wywires Diamond and Gabriel Gold interconnects and Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun power cords.

Used to be a lot of talk about them.


And believe it or not, I still use the original Purist Colossus fluid speaker cables. They are probably over 30 years old, I had them refilled with the fluid twice by Purist, more than 10 years ago the last time, I think, and they are an excellent match for my warm sounding speakers. Colossus used to be Purist's best value cable, no wonder you can't find it. I mean with fluid, at some point Purist stopped refilling old cables with fluid and offered to fill them with Ferox. I tried it with RCA interconnects and Ferox completely screwed up this cable.

Yeah it’s a shame. To beat the Aqueous it took a much more expensive Audience speaker cables. 

If memory serves, member ebm used Purist Audio cables.  I greatly enjoyed his short and to the point posts.  Sadly, while he posted regularly, his last post was dated April 5, 2023 when he dropped off the face of A'gon.

I've had Museaus, Venustas, and Corvus XLR's and an older pair of Venustas triwire speaker cables. They were all very good cables. I would say neutral category. I still have a 4 meter Venustas XLR Diamond rev set for sale. Switched to many other brands in my journey. Really liked the Corvus, gave the KS Elations a run for their money.

I used any number of their cables back in the day, Dominus Ferox and Fluids, had some IC's, can't recall the model, all were favs for quite a while.