No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

I've found a seller in the UK (chameleoncable on ebay) that sells 0 awg OFC copper cable. b4icu was kind enough to advise me that my set up (classe ct5300 -> B&W 802) would need 4 awg.

I've spoken with the seller and he'll make me up 4 x 2.5m 0awg cables with spades on each end for around £150. I think that's not a bad experiment for the money. My amp and speaker terminals are all at floor level so the weight won't be a problem.

If there's no sonic difference from my Van Dam blue 4mm, it should look cooler using 0 awg cable!

And if that doesn't work, I've also ordered some of that 12 awg silver cable mentioned earlier in the thread. Again, $120 for 10m of cable, you can't really go wrong.

Once I've had them made up and I've tried them out I'll post my findings. by all accounts I'm looking at a 60% upgrade.
Mr. shadowcat2016

We have a say in Hebrew: The beginning of an act shall be thinking ahead.

No, the HD wire is not for us. It is too rigid. A car audio or some other stuff would be better.

Some car audio do not have the gauge they claim. I did a car audio project, needed some 4 AWG kit and ordered one from the US.

The actual cable that arrived was more like an 8 AWG!


I'll repeat my say: After you hold a 0 AWG cable of whatever the length you need, how are going to use it?

No banana plug nor binding post can support it.

Soldering a 0 AWG is not a good idea. By the time it will heat up to melt the tin, the plastic cover will be melted at the ends...

A 0 AWG wire, when used in car battery applications, welding machines etc'. are crimped. So with airborne and military applications.

To press a 0 AWG cable shoe, a heavy duty tool is required. This entire thing can become a project of its own.

Just by getting a 0 AWG wire, you are not yet set.

If you have no choice but to have a longer cable and it needs to be 2x 0 AWG, you need more than that crimping tool. Much more.

There is a reason why most speaker cables are not coming at that gauge and those that does have a hefty price tag.

All I'm asking, once you have the recommanded cable (as calculated) please be kind to share it here. Tell us please what cable it replaced and what were your listening impressions. Thanks.

I am assuming, based on your posts, that if I got the amp back closer/between the speakers and could reduce the length by half, that I could then use a slightly smaller gauge, perhaps a 3AWG x 2 would then suffice?.......Or did I forget something?...........I agree that attempting to solder cable that heavy without a professional level machine would be a bad idea, so crimping seems to be the way to go.........However, I still don't see how I connect them to my amp's binding posts. I could use some sort of stand-off on the speaker terminal blocks, but the binding posts on the amp are unlikely to accept that large a spade lug..............I'll have to pull my amp and make some measurements to be certain.

If I do this, I will of course pass on the results for the benefit of anyone else who may be interested.
Mr. glupson
Regarding your say: "I am sure you have noticed the difference in attitude that other posters have towards your original post and ideas after you have started explaining your thoughts and giving practical examples",

I can't explain any of that attitude as long as we are dealing with a pure technical thread. You can rather accept, decline or ask about it. What would the attitude do with it?
I thought that we are all here because we like this hobby and would be happy to do whatever it takes to get a better sound out of it.
This attitude mostly comes when some interest is involved. I don't care. Most are getting a bit excited when cables issues are brought up.
I know well why the attitude changed all the sudden. I never expected it to go well from the beginning. I needed to earn your trust as you don't know me.

Showing off with my resume would help ether.

I also had to keep my ground put, against all the "attitude stuff" to pass that storm.
I came with a will to assist and I never changed that attitude. Some just crossed the line, so I most likely won't keep answering them.

It will become really interesting when those who tried it out, will start sharing their experience.

Yes,  the terminating the 0-3x0AWG conductors will be the challenge in these DIY efforts.